Thursday, February 2, 2012

Computer Vs Humans?

Deep Blue of IBM defeated the world chess champion, Gary Kasporov, in 1997. If computers cannot think, how is such a defeat possible? Please fine some recent information about machine playing against humans.Computer Vs Humans?
computers can think, they are built in with an artificial intelligence to make it work, depending on its programming. For example in chess, the computers intelligence is made tothink and run on patterns, it calculates the moves, so basically it can process every possoble move before making one, that is why it beat Casparov. But computers only have a certain artificial intelligence, it does not have an active creative mind like the human, it is just a basic calculator that works on information, but cannot create it.
I'm not surprised! I play chess with Lieutenant Commander Data in the Interprise. I haven't defeated him either. His positronic system allows him to guess my next logical move. He's correct every time.Computer Vs Humans?
if chess was played by a computer it is merely counting probabilities (for computers don't have self awareness), a human playing chess sets a strategy and plays according to this strategy, this champion was beaten by a computer not because he's stupid or the computer is smarter but because the human took probabilities and strategy and also a plan while playing, whereas the IBM computer used simply probabilities fed by moves of the human player him self, thats why he was beaten..

think of it as a mortal combat game with a computer, every move you do, the computer makes the opposite move and eventually ends up impossible to defeat (Practically you are fighting yourself, which is impossible to defeat)

hope that helped :)
We need a break as well as pleasures.You figure it out.Computer Vs Humans?
ai. how can a ai enemy in a video game kill your guy even appear to out smart you? the computer was given if then models to follow. there is this great article in last months pop science on sciencetific breakthroughs and video games.
Computers do not think, but they do math like nobody's business. And they can be programmed to play chess similarly to a human, through algorithms and brute force trial and error.

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