Wednesday, February 15, 2012

My best friend had a little to much to drink one night and asked me to be with her and her boyfriend.?

I told her that it might change our friendship and it would be wierd the next day and we didn't. later i mentioned this to my husband. not sure why. He started asking questions, like did she kiss me and things like that. seeing that this turned him on I played along and would talk to him duriing lovemaking. Saying things like " we both pushed you back and did this to you or that" you get the idea. Anyway now everytime we make love he wants to talk about me and my friend. I'm sure he is attracted to her, but thats ok. she is a beautiful woman. but i am not sure how i feel about this. I kind of feel dirty like i have done something wrong afterwards as well. What is your opinion on this?My best friend had a little to much to drink one night and asked me to be with her and her boyfriend.?If you aren't jealous and it makes for a good romp then no harm no foul... Don't feel dirty or bad, it is just plain clean fun ; ) You and your husband have to decide what is in bounds and outta bounds in your relationship and bedroom... if you want him to stop requesting this then either tell him or buy a nurses outfit... either way should work. Great to hear another married couple is kinky, gotta love it!My best friend had a little to much to drink one night and asked me to be with her and her boyfriend.?
Your husband is just a guy and you started it, so if you're uncomfortable, tell him. Maybe you can keep up the fantasy but choose a neutral person like a celebrity to dirty talk about.

As for your friend, it sounds like maybe all of you have some issues with boundaries. I have several attractive female friends, but I don't suggest threesomes with any of them no matter how drunk I get.My best friend had a little to much to drink one night and asked me to be with her and her boyfriend.?HA HAHA HAHA HAHAHAHAHA HAHA


You opened that can of worms, now go fishing.

Why in the world would you even go there and tempt his fantasy.

Now you want to shut the door.

My suggestion is that you pretend (since you are so good at playing along) tell him how you can't wait for him and maybe a few guys at his job enjoy you.

It might get worse though. He might be game and get on his cell phone right away.
It is ok to be adventurous during love making with your partner. However, if talking about your friend bothers you then maybe that is not really the best thing to do. Both partners have to be on board before the trip becomes fun. If you are not into it and he is, then you need to talk to him about it and be open about it. You may can come up with something more adventurous that takes his mind off of it during your time together.My best friend had a little to much to drink one night and asked me to be with her and her boyfriend.?There is nothing wrong with a little role playing/fantasy as long as both of you are into it. You are not enjoying it so you need to tell your husband (outside the bedroom) how you feel. He should understand and it will be a good opportunity to keep the lines of communication open. Communication is sexy.My best friend had a little to much to drink one night and asked me to be with her and her boyfriend.?
That's the same way my wife and I got started and now we have been in the swinging lifestyle for 5 or 6 years and enjoy every minute of it. We are actually more in love than before I think.

It doesn't always end like this for everyone though so be careful and make sure you guys talk a LOT about it.
if you feel dirty and like you're doing something wrong, maybe it's time to have open communication with your husband and let him know about this.

that last thing you want is this to let this progress to the point that envisioning your friend in your sex lives is a habit. speak up early :)My best friend had a little to much to drink one night and asked me to be with her and her boyfriend.?
It's never a good idea to do anything you aren't comfortable with, and your husband is now getting you to fulfill his fantasies, but you don't seem to like it. Don't let it form a wedge between you. Talk to your husband about how you feel.
Well if you feel dirty afterwards then that isn't good. Just phase out this 'friend' business and be more imaginative is all I can suggest. If he asks you why you don't do it anymore, just tell him it makes you feel uncomfortable.

Good luck.

i think that this one night of fun and games you had with him is turning into an infatuation. but i dont think you should jump to conclusions. just talk to him
You need to invite her to be intimate with you and your Husband. The sex will be Amazing and Hubby will love the show.
Fantasy play is an important part of many people's love making. It's not "dirty."
He likes the idea of it. Doesn't necessarily mean he wants to do it.
You should invite one night for fun and nothing is wrong.
it's normal and men like that kinda thing..i think you should do some role playing too,guys love strong role playing as more about it..all guys like that crap..woo him so he'll woo you.
I think all guys fantasize about watching or being in a threesome. That's all.
tell him you dont want to talk about it not that it bugs u but you would just leave it. or when he brings it up change the topic.
I don't know, sounds like maybe you should invite Her over for a night of fun.
Get over it. Do it. It will be the most fun you have ever had.
whatever dings your bell
You should sleep around.
there's something fishy going on here....not good at all
you shouldnt u were just playing around
It is a lot of guys fantasies to see 2 girls together. I would consider this "normal", but Im not an expert. I am Bisexual, currently in a hederosexual relationship, so i have experienced this myself a time or 2. Honesly, if i were you, I would have a "session" with your best friend, tape it, make a copy, give one to your man and one to hers (to prevent him from getting jealous). Now when he wants to think about it, he can pop in the tape and at least hes watching you, right?
This is a normal thing for men and women to do, you should not feel bad about talking dirty in bed with your husband, but you should talk to you husband about how it makes you feel, doing it here and there is ok, but if your husband is wanting to do it everytime you make love, then this is a sort of fantasy he is living, and that would make it seem like you are no longer turning him on, just the thought of two woman, which is every mans dreams. Always explore sexual games and different things to keep a marriage together and alive, but make sure you make a boundry of what is ok and what is too much. If you allow it to go too far, he will start pressuring you into actually doing something with another woman, which could damage your marriage.. Have fun with it, but be (Adults) about it. Talk talk talk...... Good Luck...

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