Wednesday, February 15, 2012

How do you lose the Love you have for someone so special?

I am engage to a guy that I was dating for 3 years now, we have a 5 month old son together but it seems like all of his love is gone, He said he only have about 85 - 90% of love for me. Everything just suddenly change, one night he loves me, the other night he doesn't cares. I love this guy with all my heart, I try my best to keep him happy but it seems as if my best isn't good enough, I ask him how he feels towards me and is son and his response back was "Don't care". How could you not care about you own child? I am struggling to take care of me and my son, all I really want is for someone to love me and my son, but my self esteem is very low due to the fact that I have pcos. How do you lose love for someone you've love so dearly and move on with your life to find somone whose real and who'll acept me and my son?How do you lose the Love you have for someone so special?I suggest you speak to your partner about the way you are feeling. Let him no that you are highly unhappy. If he still responds that he does not care then I suggest you move on. There are plenty of good men out there that will love a women and her children. I know it may be hard to believe but it does happen allot. There are some really good men out there unfortunately it sounds like you have a looser. You deserve someone that loves you and your son. Just remember a unhappy home is a sad place to bring up a child.How do you lose the Love you have for someone so special?Some guys can be totally lame. Hanging out with friends doing girls things can help in a way, trying not to think about him as much, I know you to have a child together and its going to be hard to get over him, it is said that it takes from 6 months to eternity to completely get over a relationship better yet a first love. Going to a bar drinking a few cocktails and doing yoga to relax the mind can also help.

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