I just got began having sex with my boyfriend. I'm a little larger than the average woman (size 18-20) so its just a little harder for sexual confidence and body acceptance to come naturally. Just when i thought I was confident being nude and enjoy sex with him he shuts me down.I decided to spice things up with couple of adult movies in the genre of my choice. I'm not a lesbian but I do enjoy watching girl on girl action. THE women were all about my size. He was not interest in watching the movies almost if he had been disgusted with seeing them. Then he made a little comment like "Baby if you lose weight in you stomach area you'd be perfect, u need to lose that gut!" Minutes before sex. To top it all off I've gained weight since we were in high school (When he was really attracted to me) and he mention once before that the me back then was so sexy and his ex reminds him of me back then. SO in the back of my mind i competing with the slimmer version of myself an his ex. So although Im exhausted and feeling put down; I decided to take charge of sex. In the middle of foreplay my confidence shut down and I just froze cuz I wanted him to make love to me so that I can feel 'desirable' to him.I felt like i was unattractive at the moment so I didn't have the desire to please him; lost confidence. OF course he loses his errection and gets mad because I had started him up and didn't finish. How can I restore my confidence and revive our sex life?I used to be a sex goddess; until he destroyed all my sexual confidence in one night?!?STEAMINGGG!! haha, whoa! anyways what u can do- is first understand nobodys perfect neither r u, NOR IS UR BF!! u might wanna tell him THAT!
second, yes lose weight- its only the healthiest idea.
dont feel bad about urself though, i mean honestly maybe the girl-on-girl action pissed him off, it might just not be his cuppa tea.
either ways, u need to do as Iv suggested plus speak to him on what gives him the right to b pissed off wen ur the one who should b pissed at wat he just said!I used to be a sex goddess; until he destroyed all my sexual confidence in one night?!?
wow he is an a** hole. if he really loved you then he would not be saying rude things and worry about your weight. me personally i would dumb him and find someone who love you for who you really are... and if you really want to stay with him and make him happy then do what he want you to do and lose wieght.I used to be a sex goddess; until he destroyed all my sexual confidence in one night?!?don't jump. lose the weight get in shape. i have to say i wouldn't want to watch plus size naked chicks either. some guys like that though. babe get yourself in shape and what ever you do from there about him and what he has said is up to you.
Well, you'll probably honestly never get over it until you actually are told in a real life situation how hot you are, so try losing the weight, and you should begin to feel better about yourself. All the best;
==I used to be a sex goddess; until he destroyed all my sexual confidence in one night?!?Ok if you have to much sex you might get diseases. Or maybe his cheating on you. I suggest if he lost interest in you, (he told you to lose weight. so he do not love your self but your body.) Just find another guy, or girl. Whatever fulfills your fantasy.I used to be a sex goddess; until he destroyed all my sexual confidence in one night?!?
Wait until you find someone who loves you for you. Bigger than average woman are most attractive anyway good on you!
make sure you are happy with yourself but, and if your happy and he isnt get rid. and find the one u deserve :)
I say, try working out sometime. That will get your confidence once you start seeing results. At first you might not see too much results, but after a while he'll practically beg you to get naked and have sex w/ him.I used to be a sex goddess; until he destroyed all my sexual confidence in one night?!?
He sounds like an a****le, explain to him that it upsets u, and its affecting ur confidence sexually. Then see what he says. dont let him make u feel down, just tell him u love u, and if he doesnt like it then he knows where the door is :D
Gee what a jerk. Your boyfriend is trying to give you constructive criticism but they just sound like put downs. He definitely needs
to be more sensitive to female issues.
Maybe Dr Phil can help you with your Weight problem though.
watching two fat girls f cuking each other isnt the best way to turn ur man on, plus, watching that type of porn made him relaize how fat u really are, so it was big mistake for u to show him that
so...either dump him, or hit the gym
remember people will only see that lack of confidence if you let them...you have to find that confidence inide yourself, not on yahoo answers...and i need to practice what i preach : /
Don't wory about that, most men don't mind a little gut (me included) all that means is that you are health. Its better then being on Amy Winhouse's status (or how ever you spell her name). Hold your head up girl.
uhmm maybe you should dump the *** hole.
no women deserves to be disrespected like that.
hes probably just jealous and he puts you down to make himself feel better
Screw that guy. If he doesn't love your body, you don't need to be with him. There are a TON of guys out there who love girls with a little meat on their bones!!!
Kick him to the curb and find a nice guy that excepts you for who you are.
Aw this is sad. He is so insensitive. I cant answer this question for you at all I just think maybe you should re consider HIM.
you shouldn't just stop on a guy like that...also getting into a habit of excercise everyday isn't a bad thing.
No one can take away your self esteem without your consent.
Hm get a diet plan or go to a centre I might go today for that I'm a avaerage frame big bones but lots of love
if you think you not sexy will ok I think you sexy ok~!@#$%^%26amp;*()_
Dump him he wasn't kind about your wight
Get a better guy - this one sounds like a dud.
try a guy who isn't a picky jack @$$
if i was you id tell him to JOG ON !!!
you should tell him how you feel about what he said
I am married to a large women, think she is at 300 again, and I have supported her through surgery, diet, equipment and anything else that I could do, and I understand were you are coming form.
Now to the bad, all guys are attracted to pretty girls, and it sounds like he likes them more skinny than you are right now, accept that and deiced if you want to change it, then do. If you love him, then it would not be a hard choice to do, just because he loves you does not mean that is sexual desire can be forced to like something he is not attracted to.
Now to some good, not everyone is good looking or skinny but have great sex life's, and the reason is for this is that they do not put all their self confidence in the other person. IF you think that you are sexy you will be, if you think you are the best lover you will be, if you think you are fat and ugly, then you will be. ALL GUYS find strong women attractive, he has enough to work out on his own and having to make you feel good about yourself in the middle of the action is not going to make things better, it gets old and tiring and soon you are trying to figure out how to end things.
You need to talk it out with him, and to be honest with yourself, you sound like you want to lose weight. A diet, a gym, some sit-ups. Please don't take it the wrong way, but from reading a little deeper into what you are saying, you should want to and do want to lose it for yourself also. He sounds nice though, try hard-for you BOTH.
His timing was pretty awful and that screwed up that night, but don't let it mess with you in the future.
Men know that they aren't perfect human specimens and don't expect their women to be. But anytime we say you have any room for improvement, you act like we are calling you ugly. For some reason this gets in your head and messes with you a lot more than it should. He thinks you are sexy, but knows that a little bit of exercise or better diet could send you past sexy to amazingly hot. So he suggests it--he wants his woman to be all she can be. And instead of responding to that by requesting he do something to improve himself, or by asking for his help with losing weight, or by saying yes, I'll work on that, or by saying well, you're stuck with me and my gut, you are going to feel awful about yourself and let it screw up everything.
By the way, do you tell him about things he needs to improve? Men get over-sensitive when you criticize their job, their handling of people and personal situations, and other things of that nature. A lot of women don't realize that, just like some men think it's fine to point out an improveable physical flaw. And in a way, both hurt to hear but both are fine to say if you are in a real committed relationship. You want the two of you to be better, and communicating with each other can help that.
Get the self doubt out of your head. He still thinks you are beautiful.
Face it, big girls are very attractive but when you keep putting on the weight, the belly starts to hang down and the face gets distorted. It is a turn off. I am married to a girl like you and I lover her to pieces. She has put on 40 lbs in 2 years, that puts her at 240. That's too big.
wait until marriage
lose weight
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