Sunday, February 5, 2012

Chess: 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 f6 3.?

Although the generally recommended move against weak opponents is 3.Nxe5, some computer programs suggest playing 3.d4. What is your opinion?Chess: 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 f6 3.?
3.d4 seems reasonable opening up the position after the weakening f6

However, I prefer 3. Nxe5....Qe7 4.Nf3...d5 5.d3..dxe4 6.dxe4..Qxe4+ 7.Be2 and after a swift castling by white black is left in an open position 2 to 3 tempo down in development and he will loose Additional time moving his queen. At least in other openings like the poisoned pawn variation of the najdorf black has an extra pawn for his stupid looking queen and lost development. Here black has nothing

3. Nxe5!
Absolutely Nxe5, it's practically a forced win after fxe5 Qh5.

- if black plays g6, then Qxe5 followed by Qxh8 wins decisive material.

- if black plays Ke7 then you continue with Qxe5 Kf7 Bc4 and white has a huge attack and advantage in development. Black's king is so exposed that there practically has to be a win for white in there. Black has to give back at least one more pawn in order to stop mate (e.g. Kg6 Qf5 Kh6 d3 g5 h4), so white isn't even behind in material.

Bottom line: 2... f6 is a gawdawfully sucky move, no good player would ever play it.Chess: 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 f6 3.?
try not to enter lines such as nxp which will get you into trouble when his queen goes to e2, usually giving black possibilities with the semi-open king file, it could also be used reverse but rarely because white has moved the same knight three times in an opening
Please never play the Damiano defense. 2...f6 allows white to play 3. Nxe5 and if you take the sacrifice you find yourself in a lost position by move 3.Chess: 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 f6 3.?
Damiano's defense.

3Nxe5! if fxe5 then 4 Qh5+ g6 5 Qxe5+ Be7 6 Qxa8

The proper reply for black to 3 Nxe5! is Qe2.
f1 - c4

im sure brambly's a good player, but he forgot to mention d8-e7 as an option. it gets the pawn back!
Terrible why on earth would black that? not f6 play either Nc6 or Nf6!

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