Friday, January 20, 2012

If i play chess against a computer will i ......?

Will my rating grow?

If i play computer which is 1600+ and i'm around 1500+ will my skills improve and how fast?

Lets say i would play with computer 3games a day each game taking me around 1 or 1.5 hours to thinkIf i play chess against a computer will i ......?
You will probably improve some, but in my opinion your plan is not very efficient for two reasons.

First: The computer will not explain why your moves are good or bad, nor will it explain why it make its moves. This is very important, because as you improve to above 1500, the analysis of the game is much more than just noticing that if you make a particular move you will win or lose a piece. You need to recognize patterns that can lead to tactical or strategic gains that might make a difference much later in the game, and you need to know how to force the game into those patterns.

Solution: Best is to get a coach who can tailor the lessons directly to your strengths and weaknesses. Try your local chess club or try online. The trouble with this "best solution" is that it tends to cost more money than most people are willing or able to spend. Second best is to study books, articles, and the games of the Grand Masters. There is a wealth of material available for free from your local library and online. I linked a couple of my favorites for 1500 level players below. Focus on tactics. That will give you the quickest gain. Get an understanding of opening theory, but don't focus on trying to learn or memorize a particular opening.

Second: If you are going to learn to play by playing against a computer, pick a strong program. There is no point in trying to learn from a computer that plays like a 1600 player. At best you will be self-taught on the subject of how to beat players rated at 1600. It might boost your ego a little, but it will not help you to get to Class A or Expert. You can play against Shredder for free. See the link below. If you can beat it at its strongest setting then you need no advice from me or anyone else on this board.If i play chess against a computer will i ......?
You should get better. Get a strong program like Chessmaster Grandmaster Edition and you will get better. Then once you beat Chessmaster all the time, move on to the top ranked chess engines.

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