Thursday, January 26, 2012

I want to learn how to play chess?

I have never before played and I would like to get started. Any advice on what I should do? Read some books? Play against myself? Play online? Are there any available computer programs I can play against, or websites I can play on?

Thanks.I want to learn how to play chess?
hey scott the best way of learning if by playing the game itself, if you go yahoo games and select chess you can learn the rules there and even play the games with millions of people online or agaist the computer. also in yahoo you can chose beginer middle or advance people to play agaist.

look me up i am thegreatone5555 and i would be happy to play you and give you some help.I want to learn how to play chess?
Chess is an amazing game - not quite so popular nowadays, but it takes a lot of skill to get really good.

If you have VISTA - use the Chess game it has with it. You can get an understanding of the game just by playing it a few times. I'm pretty sure there must be a help file with it too which could give you some great hints and tips.

Other than that - find someone who already knows how to play and ask them to teach you. I haven't found anyone who is into chess besides my family who taught me. Good luck and enjoy :)I want to learn how to play chess?
you can read books and there are some online reviews you can find
To learn to play chess takes about 15 minutes.

To learn to play well...another story..

There are 6 pieces

1) the King can move to any square next to it unless do so would place it in danger of capture by the opponent (can't move into "check")

2) the rook can move in horizontally or vertically any number of squares - but can't jump over other pieces

3) the bishop moves diagonally any number of squares - but can't jump over other pieces

4) the queen is like a combinatioin of rook and bishop

5) the knight moves in an "L" pattern two squares horizontally or verically and then one square over

6) pawns are small and complicated

-- they move up forward one square at a time

-- they can move two squares forward if it is their first move

-- whereas the other pieces capture the same way they move pawns only capture with a one square diagonal movement

** the goal of the game is to checkmate your opponent (threaten to capture the king and the king cannot get out of threat (check))

** there are more rules and often they are included in a chess set and i am certain these and other rules (enpassant, castling, pawn promotion, stalemate...) can be found on the internet -- i'd check wiki

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