Monday, January 23, 2012

How to know that someone is cheatting at online chess?

My friend have told me that there are ppl that open an online chess and play against someone and open a computer chess(Chessmaster,flitz...)Against the computer,it will be the opponent that is on online,and you do what the computer is doing against someone.

Help me plz to know that someone is cheatting,thx....

~SetoHow to know that someone is cheatting at online chess?
Look at http: line. If it is Yahoo, then yes.:)

Whether it is a human that plays like a computer or a computer that plays like a human is irrelevant.

You can only play your side. If you want a good opponent and think it is a guy in dirty T shirt instead of Fritz, does it matter? Play good moves regardless.

Oh, the way to beat a computer is to make better moves than it.:)

Seriously, aim for "positional" not "tactical" positions. Computers are better than humans when there is something to do. They tend to flounder (compared to their tactics) when there is nothing to do. Nothing does nothing better than humans.

No smiley on that. Serious chess players nod their head in agreement even though that sounds like a joke.
I've been on Yahoo chess for almost 10 years now. I have noticed a big increase in what seems to be program users (cheaters).

The main way to tell if someone is using a program would be to get one of your own. If your playing someone that seems way too good for their rating, or that you suspect for any other reason, the next time you play them you can use a program set at a very high level to see if they are keeping up with it.

I will do this some times. I cannot tell you how often I will find someone playing at world champion levels of chess which pretty much means you are either playing one of the world's best chess players or your playing against another program.

The program I use is Rybka which I believe is rated at around Elo 3000, which is above the best in the world.

I would estimate probably 75% of the people I suspect are using programs are able to keep up with Rybka, and many times beat it. Generally because they are using Rybka on their own comp with more memory and computing power allocated to it.

Even if someone is rated 1900-2000 on Yahoo, there is NO way they should be keeping up with Rybka or Fritz if they are not cheating. So if you find someone that IS able to beat it or even keep up with it, 98% of the time they are using a program to cheat with.

I understand this method of finding cheaters is not full proof, but it works pretty well. It will also give you an idea of just how prevalent cheating at chess has become on the internet.How to know that someone is cheatting at online chess?
I don't think that cheating is the problem unless there is a serious benefit to winning a game. i would just play good moves regardless and try to avoid complicated positions. if you are seriously worried about cheating, play over-the-board chess.
It is almost impossible to tell, that is why you can't take online chess too seriously. The better YOU get, the better people you play and the higher chance of cheating.How to know that someone is cheatting at online chess?
when you play a 10-minute game, it gets harder to cheat

yahoo has a few "clock hackers" but there is little you can do to combat this
You got some good answers. My advice is along the same lines. Though I would stress not to get too paranoid, the majority don't cheat. If you get beat very badly by someone it's most likely they're simply better than you.

This question can't be answerd with generalities because in many ways the operator can camouflage the use of a program so you can really only judge by the strength and type of moves. The best way to tell is to have faced many humans of varied strengths and also to have played against actual chess programs (not junk like chess titians or lego chess etc).

Two things that DONT indicate a cheater are executing tactical shots / mates, even very quickly, and knowing an opening many moves deep.

Realistically though, if you're completely crushed in 20 moves, wheather they're 600 points higher than you or a computer doesn't really matter. Because cheaters are so few and far between (and such a skill gap makes it no fun for either player) you should just find a different opponent.

As a side note -- IMO Yahoo's reputation for cheating is largely undeserved. From experiance I would say 99% of players rated under 2000 on yahoo don't cheat.

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