Hi, I am 18 years old and have only been playing Chess competitively since the summer of last year (2008). I earned a rating of 1162, but soon afterward I began to slack off in chess and I lost a few games in tournaments and fell to 802 over a period of about two months ending in March, starting in February. My "chess coach" so to speak in High School for our Chess Club and one of my friends who is about equal to me in Chess tells me I'm definitely intermediate. Well, I've always heard that a lot of good players started at a young age and I didn't even know all of the rules when I used to just play around with Chess at a child. Is it too late for me to become a really good player because I started at the age of 17, just last year? How can I improve my chess strategies for endgames and middle-games. Any books you can recommend? Any online sources? I play Chess on freechess.org (Free Internet Chess Server) and here on Yahoo! Chess. I also have heard of good player practicing against computers. Is this a good idea? I have Winboard with game viewers from a lot of Bobby Fischer's games. Also, do you know any other good chess websites to play on? Please try to answer all the questions I asked if you can, if not, please answer the ones you can. Thanks so much and God Bless.
Also, I don't want to sound desperate or anything, but Chess is really important to me. I love it so much.Hello, I have a question about learning Chess strategies?
鈥?Did you start too late?
Not necessarily. For example if you wanted to be better than anyone you've ever played and probably ever seen play then no, it's definitely not too late for that. If you want to be a grandmaster it's even not too late for that either, but if you want to be a serious contender for the world champ, it's too late :). So don't let anyone try to convince you you can't become a master (2200+) with dedication and time it's possible for almost any player.
鈥?How to improve your strategy for mid and endgame and any recommended books? Online sources?
The best way to improve your strategy and endgame technique is to learn from books or a coach. The winning chess series by Seirawan has good books. Play, Tactics, Strategy, and Endgame are 4 of the 7 in this series. It's good that you recognize your focus should be endgames and tactics (middlegame). You should definitely get a puzzle book or use a free online resource such as http://chesstempo.com/ and always be drilling on tactics. About every serious tournament player has a book of puzzles handy.
Other very good books include:
"Logical Chess Move by Move" by Chernev for strategy (explains every move of every game -- every time throughout the book, always highly recommended).
"Weapons of Chess" by Pandolfini for strategy
For other online sources, William gave you some good ones -- I'll only add http://www.chessgames.com/ other than a huge free database it has daily puzzles, guess the move games, an opening explorer, player bios, free to read others annotations of games... it's a great place for chess :)
鈥?Good to practice against computers?
No, it's generally not a good idea especially for beginners. You can use them to analyze your tournament games for mistakes. I also use it for _positions_ (not games) that I don't understand and will think and think for a move, then play my move and watch the evaluation for a big change. If you don't understand the computer's recommended move then keep playing till it becomes clear to you why it was bad/good. If the evaluation only changes a little that doesn't mean anything because computers don't know a lot about strategy because they know zero about endgames but that's a whole different topic (I use Rybka 3 btw). Also computers like Firtz, Shredder, Rybka etc can help you find correct moves for the opening.
鈥?Any other good sites to play on?
FICS is the best free one, so you got it down there. Playchess.com and ICC are pay sites, but in truth unnecessary for almost anyone rated under A class or Expert because you don't need master-class competition when you're just starting out. There are correspondence type sites also if you want to get into that, they're easy to find just google them e.g. chess.com redhotpawn.com. These sites give you days to make a move and games can last 1 or more months.
You don't sound desperate you sound passionate! The most important element to improvement is passion for the game, and it sounds like you've got that. By loving the game and continuing to play you'll defiantly improve, I guarantee it!
im in a chess club in school, and generally, we've found that playing against a good computer is always benifisial because it plays differently, the key to bing good at chess is being able to adapt to different opponents, and while your not likely to run into anyone that plays like the comp, it will help you learn to "think on your feet, and make you more able to change your strategy on the fly.Hello, I have a question about learning Chess strategies?
You can play againts computer on the internet everyday or so or try out your power at chesscube.com( i play there)
Chess is indeed a very good idea to learn at a young age, but don't let that get you down. You can become just as good as a really strong player even if you started at 17, which is still pretty young.
I love chess and even though I no longer competitively play it, I still enjoy playing it when I'm bored. I hardly play it, which decreases my skill. If you really want to get better, I recommend playing every now and then as to not lose much of your skill.
Freechess.org is a fantastic place to play chess at, although it lags and it's server isn't the best. The best place I enjoyed playing chess at was at ICC (internet chess club), but you have to pay. Albeit, it has many GMs, IMs, FMs, and many other top players, as well as lower ranked players. Also, its server is fantastic, fast, and awesome. It has countless chess puzzles and other features!
A way to improve your chess skill is to know how the pieces interact and to see the moves ahead. Find weaknesses, strategies, and combos! Sacrificing pieces to make awesome moves that's worth it.Train the end game positions, such as how to checkmate with queen and king, rook and king, and etc. Practice chess puzzles and positions. Look at how top players play, how they move, "why" they move there.
Although I don't remember any chess books I've read, I would just go to the library and search for any chess related book (openings and puzzles) and practice off those.
Its an awesome idea as you have said to practice off computers, because they know how the game works, moving pieces at the best positions (their best from their calculations). That way, you can get the feeling of playing someone better than yourself and trying to win off a strong opponent.
Practice with friends using clocks. Try 10 min games, then after you get the hang of that, try 5 min games, then 3 min games, and when you think you can move fast enough, play 1 min games. My friend who's near the same level as I am, played hundreds of 1 min games against random people on a chess server.
Try your best and have fun and you'll eventually get better. Its often best to play people better or around the same level as yourself. Good luck!! =]Hello, I have a question about learning Chess strategies?
I will be able to communicate with you by the earliest, the 3rd of december. I TOO started at the age of 17!! :) I learned how to play chess at the age of 5, and only played my dad as far as I can remember. After that I didn't touch the game. However, In highschool, at the age of 17 I started to pick it up because a kid always played the game, and fancied himself a wise guy, so i Played him.--I was a complete chess NOOB. I am MUCH better now. I played in a USCF rated tournament and beat a player between 1700-1800 and my performance rating was 2059. I achieved this all through dedication and studying. I am 21 years old and still studying. The game is a very fun game. Perhaps you can talk to me on yahoo messenger. and we could play a few games and see where you're at.--I think you can become a great chess player when starting late. it doesn't matter.
playing on yahoo is a good idea, you can play at 3am and still play with real people
author : irving chernev
title : winning chess, how to see three moves ahead
its a used book and out-of-print...it should help you understand logic and tactics
If your friend is rated around 1100 he's no Teacher a real one is a professional like a Fide Grandmaster or an International Master or Fide Master who's played for many years or won championships and knows what it takes to win.
My advice if your serious and you really want to improve and stop butting your head against a brick wall...........
1) Take lessons regularly from a real Teacher:
2) Study books appropriate for your level:
The Game of Chess by Siegbert Tarrasch
Laskers Chess Manual by Emmanuel Lasker
My System by Aaron Nimzovitch
Jeremy Silmans Amature Mind and Reassess your Chess
The Sorcerers Apprentice by David Bronstien
3) Work on Tactics daily
The Complete Chess Workout by Richard Palliser is good
and doing exercises on the ChessTactics server helps.
4) Practice regularly against Players who are much stronger than you and don't stink at the game if you play people who are atrocious at Chess your not going to get anywhere!
Best of luck in your improvement don't give up and work hard.
check out www.uschess.org it's the united states chess federations' website
and the sites in this search
I'd also recommend this
I'll bet you get plenty of good play sites.
Monday, January 30, 2012
Hello guys. Do any of all know how to do this, Please give me a good amount of information so that i can under?
Lab 13 ( Chapter 8 Material )
As you no doubt know, computers are great for playing games. In this lab, we’ll write a program that plays a simple game of tic-tac-toe, a game you’ve probably played since childhood. We’ll write the program in such a way that it will allow one person to play against another. A more difficult program would allow a person to play against the computer, and the program would endow the computer with some kind of “intelligent” decision-making ability at each move. A REALLY sophisticated program could actually “learn” to make good strategic plays by evaluating the result of each move, using the initial board configuration and the configuration after the move has been made. That’s one kind of thing studied in the area of “artificial intelligence”. This kind of approach has been taken to construct, for example, expert chess-playing programs. In this class, we’ll stick to playing tic-tac-toe, and just relegate the computer to the task of recording and reporting the progress of the game.
Problem Statement
We need a program that will allow two players to play a game of tic-tac-toe. The program should ask for moves alternately from player X and player O. The program should display the game position as follows:
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
The players should enter their moves by entering one of the position numbers 1 through 9. The program should convert the specified move to one of the positions in the two-dimensional array shown above. The program should also validate the player’s desired move, to make sure the position hasn’t been previously occupied. After each move, the program should display the current configuration of the board and wait for a player to press the ‘enter’ key before continuing. A sample configuration is shown below, after 4 moves have been made. The program should make provision for a user’s terminating the game, if he wishes to do so, when it is his turn to play.
4 5 6
O 8 9
Hello guys. Do any of all know how to do this, Please give me a good amount of information so that i can under?
Well, I'm surely not going to write the code for you - partly because I have ethical problems with that and partly because you didn't indicate the language you're using. However:
Declare or instantiate an array - you could do it as 1x9 or 3x3, although conceptually it'll be easier with a 3x3. Initialize it with all 0's to start. As the game progresses, you're going to fill the array in. For the sake of argument, let 1 = X and 4 = O. (There's a reason I'm not going with 1 and 2 - stay with me here.)
To get the move into the right space, I'd use a look-up table. Essentially, you're going to hard-code in the fact that position 1 means row = 0 and column = 0. Position 2 means row = 0 and column = 1 and so on. I'd suggest using a switch or select case statement right after the input is validated, but that (again) depends on the language.
Once you have the position translated, it's easy to check to see if it's a valid move. If the appropriate location in the array is not 0, then it's an invalid move. Tell the user to try again. I'd use a posttest loop for that, something along the lines of a do...while.
Once a valid move has been made, check to see whether there is a winner. You might create another array with eight elements, each corresponding to one of the ways of winning. (3 horizontal, 3 vertical, and two diagonal). Each element in the second array contains the sum of the elements corresponding to a win in the first array. If any element ever attains a value of 3 (three x's) or 12 (three o's), then the game is over and you can declare a winner. You'll need to update the second array every time a valid move is made and then check it to see if there's a winner. This, by the way, is why I went with 1 and 4. If it were 1 and 2, you could get a row sum of 3 by having one x, one o, and one blank space. With 1 and 4, there's no way to get 3 or 12 without somebody winning.
As to allowing the user to quit prematurely, have them enter a 10 to leave, and check that when you validate your input.
If you want to get VERY fancy, have them enter a 'q' to quit. That means you'll have to parse the input a little more stringently, and may not be worth your effort.
Hope this helps.
As you no doubt know, computers are great for playing games. In this lab, we’ll write a program that plays a simple game of tic-tac-toe, a game you’ve probably played since childhood. We’ll write the program in such a way that it will allow one person to play against another. A more difficult program would allow a person to play against the computer, and the program would endow the computer with some kind of “intelligent” decision-making ability at each move. A REALLY sophisticated program could actually “learn” to make good strategic plays by evaluating the result of each move, using the initial board configuration and the configuration after the move has been made. That’s one kind of thing studied in the area of “artificial intelligence”. This kind of approach has been taken to construct, for example, expert chess-playing programs. In this class, we’ll stick to playing tic-tac-toe, and just relegate the computer to the task of recording and reporting the progress of the game.
Problem Statement
We need a program that will allow two players to play a game of tic-tac-toe. The program should ask for moves alternately from player X and player O. The program should display the game position as follows:
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
The players should enter their moves by entering one of the position numbers 1 through 9. The program should convert the specified move to one of the positions in the two-dimensional array shown above. The program should also validate the player’s desired move, to make sure the position hasn’t been previously occupied. After each move, the program should display the current configuration of the board and wait for a player to press the ‘enter’ key before continuing. A sample configuration is shown below, after 4 moves have been made. The program should make provision for a user’s terminating the game, if he wishes to do so, when it is his turn to play.
4 5 6
O 8 9
Hello guys. Do any of all know how to do this, Please give me a good amount of information so that i can under?
Well, I'm surely not going to write the code for you - partly because I have ethical problems with that and partly because you didn't indicate the language you're using. However:
Declare or instantiate an array - you could do it as 1x9 or 3x3, although conceptually it'll be easier with a 3x3. Initialize it with all 0's to start. As the game progresses, you're going to fill the array in. For the sake of argument, let 1 = X and 4 = O. (There's a reason I'm not going with 1 and 2 - stay with me here.)
To get the move into the right space, I'd use a look-up table. Essentially, you're going to hard-code in the fact that position 1 means row = 0 and column = 0. Position 2 means row = 0 and column = 1 and so on. I'd suggest using a switch or select case statement right after the input is validated, but that (again) depends on the language.
Once you have the position translated, it's easy to check to see if it's a valid move. If the appropriate location in the array is not 0, then it's an invalid move. Tell the user to try again. I'd use a posttest loop for that, something along the lines of a do...while.
Once a valid move has been made, check to see whether there is a winner. You might create another array with eight elements, each corresponding to one of the ways of winning. (3 horizontal, 3 vertical, and two diagonal). Each element in the second array contains the sum of the elements corresponding to a win in the first array. If any element ever attains a value of 3 (three x's) or 12 (three o's), then the game is over and you can declare a winner. You'll need to update the second array every time a valid move is made and then check it to see if there's a winner. This, by the way, is why I went with 1 and 4. If it were 1 and 2, you could get a row sum of 3 by having one x, one o, and one blank space. With 1 and 4, there's no way to get 3 or 12 without somebody winning.
As to allowing the user to quit prematurely, have them enter a 10 to leave, and check that when you validate your input.
If you want to get VERY fancy, have them enter a 'q' to quit. That means you'll have to parse the input a little more stringently, and may not be worth your effort.
Hope this helps.
Help with CHESS rules?
I been playing chess on freegamesscout.com for years, this game i only against computer. I beat computer 100`s of times, but one odd thing is, when I corner the black king into black corner and check mate it, it tells me that it`s a PAT, not checkmate.This happens only in this situation. Not being expert at chess rules is this a true/valid chess rule? or is this game programed out of whack?-I have never heard of this rule-but I am not en expert at chess rules, any experts out there?Help with CHESS rules?
"Maybe it would be clearer if I ask like this: Is there ANY situation on chess board when black king is checkmated, that he can claim a pat/draw?.."
The answer to that is no. If he is checkmated, he loses.
The big question is, was he actually checkmated. If he was not in check but had no legal moves, that is a stalemate, and it would be a tie. But if he actually was checkmated, maybe there was a bug in the program. It wouldn't be the first time.
Never heard of PAT, but perhaps its a stalemate, are you sure you are checking the king? Stalemates can be common in the corners of the board so you must be sure that unless you know you are about to checkmate him, that there is at least one space in which the opposing king can move.Help with CHESS rules?
When put the enemy king to a corner you have be careful NOT to concede a draw. When the enemy king is NOT checkmated but has no squares to go to it is a draw, that is what is happening. Forget about the word pat, in pro chess this is a stalemate.
there are checkmates %26amp; stalemates.....what YOU are getting is a stalemate (draw)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4SMfknyjP鈥?/a>Help with CHESS rules?
You only get 1 point for the PAT, unless you go for 2.
never heard of PAT
In chess a 'draw' results from 1) an agreement by the players, usually after a minimum number of moves; 2) a stalemate caused by a (i) lack of sufficient material by either player to checkmate the other, or by (ii) a position in which a player is not in check and has no legal move, or 3) by a position which is repeated 3 times, or 4) by a series of 50 moves without a capture or pawn move. It is the 2.ii. situation I think you may be looking at. If you're playing White and the Black king is not in check on Black's move, but any move Black makes will put his king in check, that is a stalemate situation.
You must be cautious when your opponent has very few moves available, NOT to put him in such a position that his king is "surrounded" by check without being IN check on his move. A classic example position: W king A6, W pawn A7, B king A8; Black to move. There is no legal move for Black, and his king is not in check; this is a stalemate.
I don't know why your computer game calls the situation a PAT. Does this stand for "Position of Automatic Tie"? That would be another way to think of a stalemate--an automatic tie.
"Maybe it would be clearer if I ask like this: Is there ANY situation on chess board when black king is checkmated, that he can claim a pat/draw?.."
The answer to that is no. If he is checkmated, he loses.
The big question is, was he actually checkmated. If he was not in check but had no legal moves, that is a stalemate, and it would be a tie. But if he actually was checkmated, maybe there was a bug in the program. It wouldn't be the first time.
Never heard of PAT, but perhaps its a stalemate, are you sure you are checking the king? Stalemates can be common in the corners of the board so you must be sure that unless you know you are about to checkmate him, that there is at least one space in which the opposing king can move.Help with CHESS rules?
When put the enemy king to a corner you have be careful NOT to concede a draw. When the enemy king is NOT checkmated but has no squares to go to it is a draw, that is what is happening. Forget about the word pat, in pro chess this is a stalemate.
there are checkmates %26amp; stalemates.....what YOU are getting is a stalemate (draw)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4SMfknyjP鈥?/a>Help with CHESS rules?
You only get 1 point for the PAT, unless you go for 2.
never heard of PAT
In chess a 'draw' results from 1) an agreement by the players, usually after a minimum number of moves; 2) a stalemate caused by a (i) lack of sufficient material by either player to checkmate the other, or by (ii) a position in which a player is not in check and has no legal move, or 3) by a position which is repeated 3 times, or 4) by a series of 50 moves without a capture or pawn move. It is the 2.ii. situation I think you may be looking at. If you're playing White and the Black king is not in check on Black's move, but any move Black makes will put his king in check, that is a stalemate situation.
You must be cautious when your opponent has very few moves available, NOT to put him in such a position that his king is "surrounded" by check without being IN check on his move. A classic example position: W king A6, W pawn A7, B king A8; Black to move. There is no legal move for Black, and his king is not in check; this is a stalemate.
I don't know why your computer game calls the situation a PAT. Does this stand for "Position of Automatic Tie"? That would be another way to think of a stalemate--an automatic tie.
Name of a cartoon show about a kid spy?
I want to know the name of a cartoon about a kid who was a secret agent. He was a computer genius and created a fake alias of himself on the computer pretending to be an adult so he could be a spy. he was accompanied by an adult assistant who spoke with a posh english accent. The kid had blond hair. The show aired on CBBC in the uk but i am fairly sure it was american. A few episodes i remember involve snowbording chase scene and him playing chess against a villain.Name of a cartoon show about a kid spy?
Bruno the Kid.Name of a cartoon show about a kid spy?
i m not sure, but maybe u can check detective conan.textfree pinger p411
Bruno the Kid.Name of a cartoon show about a kid spy?
i m not sure, but maybe u can check detective conan.
What constitutes a draw in chess?
..I was playing against the computer and had like 4 white Queens on the board vs 1 black King. I was toying with the King getting ready for a major crush and then when I got my 5th Queen the computer wussed out and called a draw....what a gyp!!!What constitutes a draw in chess?
this is called a "stale-mate"
FIVE queens ?....why the hell do you need FIVE queens ??
the computer is only following established rules
...maybe YOU need to learn how to play ?What constitutes a draw in chess?
Yes, it sounds like you fell into a stalemate.
A stalemate occurs when a player is not in check, but cannot make ANY legal moves when it is his turn. The game is a draw.
See this explanation of the rules and diagrams of a stalemate at the US Chess Federation site.
More important is the fact that against a lone king; one queen and a king are more than sufficient to force a quick win. It is something you should sit down and figure out yourself. It involves forcing the king to the side of the board, and it is an important concept to learn.What constitutes a draw in chess?
If the program didn't tell you that it was a stalemate, then it's a crappy program. It shouldn't just call a draw, it should state the reason for the draw.
However, it serves you right for not going for the kill when you had a 4 Queen advantage.
The most likely scenario for this was that the computer had no moves available but was not in check. The king cannot move into check and In the circumstance that on a player's turn they are unable to move but are not in check the game ends in a stalemate (tie)
this is called a "stale-mate"
FIVE queens ?....why the hell do you need FIVE queens ??
the computer is only following established rules
...maybe YOU need to learn how to play ?What constitutes a draw in chess?
Yes, it sounds like you fell into a stalemate.
A stalemate occurs when a player is not in check, but cannot make ANY legal moves when it is his turn. The game is a draw.
See this explanation of the rules and diagrams of a stalemate at the US Chess Federation site.
More important is the fact that against a lone king; one queen and a king are more than sufficient to force a quick win. It is something you should sit down and figure out yourself. It involves forcing the king to the side of the board, and it is an important concept to learn.What constitutes a draw in chess?
If the program didn't tell you that it was a stalemate, then it's a crappy program. It shouldn't just call a draw, it should state the reason for the draw.
However, it serves you right for not going for the kill when you had a 4 Queen advantage.
The most likely scenario for this was that the computer had no moves available but was not in check. The king cannot move into check and In the circumstance that on a player's turn they are unable to move but are not in check the game ends in a stalemate (tie)
I'm regressing! (Chess)?
I played as a kid, not very well though.
I started again two weeks ago; playing against the computer, playing on yahoo, live opponents, and I'm using the tutorial system in Chessmaster: GM edition to up my game.
I learned A LOT,
But I keep losing.
I'm playing a heck of a lot... why am I not showing any progress? Maybe it's a long term thing and I'm just impatient?I'm regressing! (Chess)?
This is what my father taught me when I was younger.
"Alice! DO NOT be scared to lose! That is the downfall of many chess players. I want you from now on to record EVERY single chess match you play from now on. I know this, because at your age, when you play a difficult opponent, you'll be too scared of what happened before to analyze you game!"
He also said to me.
"Playing with computers are not the answer! They are there to try out your moves, but 80% of the time you should be playing with a human. Let me tell you why, playing with a computer has different stresses than with a human. You have to adapt to that stress if you'll ever become any better."
"Never try for 10 moves or less check mates!!! Yes they may be easy to do, but when you face harder opponents, you'll lose. Use your beginning to develope, don't try to get a checkmate in the opening!"
This is after I got my 2nd place trophy out of a tournament of about 100 kids when I was 9.
"Alice, did you take any notes of any of your matches?"
"No... No one else was doing it. It would look weird"
"My daughter, don't care about whatever everyone else is doing. The rules allow you to do that, and next time, by doing this, it will make you develope as a player. I believe next year, you'll get 1st place!"
This is what I suggest. Focus focus focus on you middle game! However, if you doubt yourself in every move or counter move in the opening game that you make, then focus on your opening. You should know your openings well enough to just understand the basics and not get to intimidated when your oponent makes an uncoventional move.
I personally love middle game better. This is what I do. I look at every position, every possible outcome. Know about where every single piece is so I won't make a blunder. If your development behind? Move some pieces while still staying aggressive. However being aggressive doesn't work all the time. I was too aggressive and lost to a blunder in a very important match to get that 1st place trophy.
The ending is pretty boring to me, most of my matches end at middlegame. These are more straight forward, but be careful. What could seem like an easy win would be a draw.
Finally, playing a lot doesn't mean anything. It's what the quality of the matches, what you learn from them. Record all your matches. Analyze where you made that mistake. This is the hardest point for many chess players, because your ego doesn't want to be hurt from a match you lost. Even when you win, you should record it. You should see where your opponent made a mistake that caused them their defeat. That last tip is the most important of all!!! Learning from your opponent is the best way to get better.
Keep playing... the more you play the more experience you gain and before you know it you will automoatocally begin recognizing patterns and tricks. You will slowly develop strategies and any learned techniques, you will eventually start to use them when neccessary. Practice practice practice. You won't see results for at least a couple weeks to a month if you play frequentlt and diligentlyI'm regressing! (Chess)?
Chess improvement does often take a long time, and as you can imagine there are many different approaches to it. I think you're on the right track by playing in a variety of settings, though you might add in some tactics or basic opening study to your routine. Also, while blitz games (10 minutes or faster) can be helpful to practice openings and some tactics, IMHO you'll learn more by playing slow games and taking the time to consider each move. If you can't find human opponents to do this, just set out a couple hours a week to play a slow game against the computer. There's also a group called the STC (Slow Time Control) Bunch (http://www.stcbunch.net/news1.php) that arranges for long online games.
I've included links to two of the best chess sites I know; both have many articles that will help you improve. Good luck!
Just keep playing, it is a long term thing.I'm regressing! (Chess)?
Perhaps your play as a kid hurts you. Maybe you are unlearning bad habits. Habits that provide a winning advantage vs. 1100 type players but will lose to 1200 type players.
Just a thought.
Some of it is practice but don't be afraid to lose because you can learn from it. Take your time. Think ahead as far as you can, like 5-7 moves down the line, exploring all the possible reactions your opponent might make to your move. I think the game is won and lost right here. If you don't look far enough ahead you can leave yourself open to a counterattack from your opponent that can turn what looked like a win into a loss. If you can get your opponent to react the way you want you control the game.
You need to keep playing. Don't expect to be good after using Chessmaster 2-3 times. You need to start your own profile on Chessmaster and get your rating up from there. If you do this you will start increasing and increasing. It is a long term process. You have to give yourself time to get better.
Losing is good every time you lose rip the game apart until you clearly understand why you lost write down your thoughts why you chose a move mark any moves by your opponent that you didn't understand or confused you. When a game is over ask your opponent to discuss it with you get his thoughts on the game why he chose his moves.
The point of doing this is to learn from your mistakes so that you don't make them in the next game an even better idea is to submit your thoughts on your moves to a stronger Player to give you his feedback google Fics Chess Academy it's free.
I started again two weeks ago; playing against the computer, playing on yahoo, live opponents, and I'm using the tutorial system in Chessmaster: GM edition to up my game.
I learned A LOT,
But I keep losing.
I'm playing a heck of a lot... why am I not showing any progress? Maybe it's a long term thing and I'm just impatient?I'm regressing! (Chess)?
This is what my father taught me when I was younger.
"Alice! DO NOT be scared to lose! That is the downfall of many chess players. I want you from now on to record EVERY single chess match you play from now on. I know this, because at your age, when you play a difficult opponent, you'll be too scared of what happened before to analyze you game!"
He also said to me.
"Playing with computers are not the answer! They are there to try out your moves, but 80% of the time you should be playing with a human. Let me tell you why, playing with a computer has different stresses than with a human. You have to adapt to that stress if you'll ever become any better."
"Never try for 10 moves or less check mates!!! Yes they may be easy to do, but when you face harder opponents, you'll lose. Use your beginning to develope, don't try to get a checkmate in the opening!"
This is after I got my 2nd place trophy out of a tournament of about 100 kids when I was 9.
"Alice, did you take any notes of any of your matches?"
"No... No one else was doing it. It would look weird"
"My daughter, don't care about whatever everyone else is doing. The rules allow you to do that, and next time, by doing this, it will make you develope as a player. I believe next year, you'll get 1st place!"
This is what I suggest. Focus focus focus on you middle game! However, if you doubt yourself in every move or counter move in the opening game that you make, then focus on your opening. You should know your openings well enough to just understand the basics and not get to intimidated when your oponent makes an uncoventional move.
I personally love middle game better. This is what I do. I look at every position, every possible outcome. Know about where every single piece is so I won't make a blunder. If your development behind? Move some pieces while still staying aggressive. However being aggressive doesn't work all the time. I was too aggressive and lost to a blunder in a very important match to get that 1st place trophy.
The ending is pretty boring to me, most of my matches end at middlegame. These are more straight forward, but be careful. What could seem like an easy win would be a draw.
Finally, playing a lot doesn't mean anything. It's what the quality of the matches, what you learn from them. Record all your matches. Analyze where you made that mistake. This is the hardest point for many chess players, because your ego doesn't want to be hurt from a match you lost. Even when you win, you should record it. You should see where your opponent made a mistake that caused them their defeat. That last tip is the most important of all!!! Learning from your opponent is the best way to get better.
Keep playing... the more you play the more experience you gain and before you know it you will automoatocally begin recognizing patterns and tricks. You will slowly develop strategies and any learned techniques, you will eventually start to use them when neccessary. Practice practice practice. You won't see results for at least a couple weeks to a month if you play frequentlt and diligentlyI'm regressing! (Chess)?
Chess improvement does often take a long time, and as you can imagine there are many different approaches to it. I think you're on the right track by playing in a variety of settings, though you might add in some tactics or basic opening study to your routine. Also, while blitz games (10 minutes or faster) can be helpful to practice openings and some tactics, IMHO you'll learn more by playing slow games and taking the time to consider each move. If you can't find human opponents to do this, just set out a couple hours a week to play a slow game against the computer. There's also a group called the STC (Slow Time Control) Bunch (http://www.stcbunch.net/news1.php) that arranges for long online games.
I've included links to two of the best chess sites I know; both have many articles that will help you improve. Good luck!
Just keep playing, it is a long term thing.I'm regressing! (Chess)?
Perhaps your play as a kid hurts you. Maybe you are unlearning bad habits. Habits that provide a winning advantage vs. 1100 type players but will lose to 1200 type players.
Just a thought.
Some of it is practice but don't be afraid to lose because you can learn from it. Take your time. Think ahead as far as you can, like 5-7 moves down the line, exploring all the possible reactions your opponent might make to your move. I think the game is won and lost right here. If you don't look far enough ahead you can leave yourself open to a counterattack from your opponent that can turn what looked like a win into a loss. If you can get your opponent to react the way you want you control the game.
You need to keep playing. Don't expect to be good after using Chessmaster 2-3 times. You need to start your own profile on Chessmaster and get your rating up from there. If you do this you will start increasing and increasing. It is a long term process. You have to give yourself time to get better.
Losing is good every time you lose rip the game apart until you clearly understand why you lost write down your thoughts why you chose a move mark any moves by your opponent that you didn't understand or confused you. When a game is over ask your opponent to discuss it with you get his thoughts on the game why he chose his moves.
The point of doing this is to learn from your mistakes so that you don't make them in the next game an even better idea is to submit your thoughts on your moves to a stronger Player to give you his feedback google Fics Chess Academy it's free.
Why am I not improving in chess?
I've been playing against this particular computer opponent for months and months, playing every day; and i'm not closer to winning as when I first started playing against it.
In the answers to 'How to Improve in Chess', all I basically read is crap like 'Practice Practice Practice', well s hitstains practicepracticepractice isnt fkn working!Why am I not improving in chess?
Computer Chess programs are basically predicated on how many moves ahead the computer can look - if it is 9 moves ahead (Big Computer!), and you can consistently not only look 10 moves ahead, but also set up plans based on that many moves out, you will regularly win. If you can't, you will regularly lose. You should find a human to play, who is better than you, but not so consistently and invaryingly so, and your improvement will show up more clearly.Why am I not improving in chess?
Hullo Alexander
Well, you need to know about 2 things @least.
1. Strategies
2. Value of your pieces
The battle is sketched in the midfield. The more you are in control of the center, more likely you are to frustrate your opponent. Queen and Knights are good for this purpose.
Sometimes, we have 2 trade pieces. Never give away your piece for trade unless you have to. Queen is priceless, Knights are STEALTH weapons etc. Most importantly, if you know how to use pawns effectively, you can turn the tables.
If you think it is helpful, rate my answer.
Mr K
Islamabad, PakistanWhy am I not improving in chess?
Well, to improve as chess you have to learn more.
Practice, Practice, practice does not help unless you know what to practice.
Start off with some basic books, like "Reasess you chess" by Silman or "My System" by Nimozovitch.
Another good way to improve is to go to your local club and start getting pointers.
If you are just playing over and over and not understanding what mistakes you are making, you will never learn from them.
If you are really serious, you can send me a pgn of one or two of your games and i will look them over for you.
In the answers to 'How to Improve in Chess', all I basically read is crap like 'Practice Practice Practice', well s hitstains practicepracticepractice isnt fkn working!Why am I not improving in chess?
Computer Chess programs are basically predicated on how many moves ahead the computer can look - if it is 9 moves ahead (Big Computer!), and you can consistently not only look 10 moves ahead, but also set up plans based on that many moves out, you will regularly win. If you can't, you will regularly lose. You should find a human to play, who is better than you, but not so consistently and invaryingly so, and your improvement will show up more clearly.Why am I not improving in chess?
Hullo Alexander
Well, you need to know about 2 things @least.
1. Strategies
2. Value of your pieces
The battle is sketched in the midfield. The more you are in control of the center, more likely you are to frustrate your opponent. Queen and Knights are good for this purpose.
Sometimes, we have 2 trade pieces. Never give away your piece for trade unless you have to. Queen is priceless, Knights are STEALTH weapons etc. Most importantly, if you know how to use pawns effectively, you can turn the tables.
If you think it is helpful, rate my answer.
Mr K
Islamabad, PakistanWhy am I not improving in chess?
Well, to improve as chess you have to learn more.
Practice, Practice, practice does not help unless you know what to practice.
Start off with some basic books, like "Reasess you chess" by Silman or "My System" by Nimozovitch.
Another good way to improve is to go to your local club and start getting pointers.
If you are just playing over and over and not understanding what mistakes you are making, you will never learn from them.
If you are really serious, you can send me a pgn of one or two of your games and i will look them over for you.
My boyfriend and I want to play games against eachother on different computers... where do I find these games?
Any sites? No chess... lolMy boyfriend and I want to play games against eachother on different computers... where do I find these games?
Any MMORPG (Massively multi-player online role playing game) like Runescape.com or Conquer.com (google search free MMORPG) all you need to do is log on to the same site and server and you have to find eachotherMy boyfriend and I want to play games against eachother on different computers... where do I find these games?
player versus player mmorpgs like flyff but they are like build a character sorta thing
or you each can pay some money and play counter strike
other than that nothing i can think ofMy boyfriend and I want to play games against eachother on different computers... where do I find these games?
starcraft, warcraft, wow, any massive online multiplayer games.
i prefer starcraft, all u gotta pay is a measly $10, $20 at most.
Any MMORPG (Massively multi-player online role playing game) like Runescape.com or Conquer.com (google search free MMORPG) all you need to do is log on to the same site and server and you have to find eachotherMy boyfriend and I want to play games against eachother on different computers... where do I find these games?
player versus player mmorpgs like flyff but they are like build a character sorta thing
or you each can pay some money and play counter strike
other than that nothing i can think ofMy boyfriend and I want to play games against eachother on different computers... where do I find these games?
starcraft, warcraft, wow, any massive online multiplayer games.
i prefer starcraft, all u gotta pay is a measly $10, $20 at most.
Frequently while trying to load yahoo chess i will get a prompt that says i have an old version in my client c?
i would like to know why i keep having problems getting yahoo chess to load on my computer. i love the game site and being able to play against people from all over world but i am not able to get on whenever i want toFrequently while trying to load yahoo chess i will get a prompt that says i have an old version in my client c?
Well an Easy way to Solve your Problem, Delete all the Files and Re-Install the Game Again. If you Come to get the Problem again then there is Something in your "PC" Corrupting the Game. Since you have an Older Version Update to the Newer Version. Hope that Solved your problem.
Well an Easy way to Solve your Problem, Delete all the Files and Re-Install the Game Again. If you Come to get the Problem again then there is Something in your "PC" Corrupting the Game. Since you have an Older Version Update to the Newer Version. Hope that Solved your problem.
Learning chess?
I need a site for my 10yr old to learn chess. He needs the very basic info and the ability to play against a forgiving computerLearning chess?
try http://www.chesskids.com/Learning chess?
I would take the time out to teach it to him myself. This way you have an activity to do together, and give you quality time.
What do you think his response would be you said to him, you know I really would liket to teach you the basics. Why do parents always try and take the easy way out, and do not spend enough time with thier children?
Think about it.Learning chess?
Most off-the-shelf chessplaying software can be adjusted within a range that will match the player's strength.
One series of chess training software that is specifically for beginners who are children is Fritz %26amp; Chesster - Learn to Play Chess, by Chessbase. These are interactive CDs, and they've put out 3 different ones in the last few years. For an independent review of the first one:
and look for the title in the alphabetical-by-title list You'll need Adobe acrobat reader, which is free.
Something chessic you can do with your child: watch the movie Searching For Bobby Fischer, which is based on the like-titled book about real-life prodigy Josh Waitzkin. It won't teach much chess, but it might spark the child's enthusiasm, and you'll see a father bonding with his son around chess.
Please vote: Did this help?
Try Chessmaster programs. They teach the very basic to high-levels.
try http://www.chesskids.com/Learning chess?
I would take the time out to teach it to him myself. This way you have an activity to do together, and give you quality time.
What do you think his response would be you said to him, you know I really would liket to teach you the basics. Why do parents always try and take the easy way out, and do not spend enough time with thier children?
Think about it.Learning chess?
Most off-the-shelf chessplaying software can be adjusted within a range that will match the player's strength.
One series of chess training software that is specifically for beginners who are children is Fritz %26amp; Chesster - Learn to Play Chess, by Chessbase. These are interactive CDs, and they've put out 3 different ones in the last few years. For an independent review of the first one:
and look for the title in the alphabetical-by-title list You'll need Adobe acrobat reader, which is free.
Something chessic you can do with your child: watch the movie Searching For Bobby Fischer, which is based on the like-titled book about real-life prodigy Josh Waitzkin. It won't teach much chess, but it might spark the child's enthusiasm, and you'll see a father bonding with his son around chess.
Please vote: Did this help?
Try Chessmaster programs. They teach the very basic to high-levels.
Is there good online Chess games that...?
let you play against A computer and not people and take days to complete one game?Is there good online Chess games that...?
You can Play Good Online Chess Games here
You can Play Good Online Chess Games here
Where can i play a little game of chess?
not online wiht someone else just against the computer.?Where can i play a little game of chess?
yes, hotmail do game
star_trek2007@yahoo.co.uk and star_trek2007@hotmail.co.uk
what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas...
here is a link to a site where you can play against a computer without downloading anything.Where can i play a little game of chess?
Card and Board Games
You may like to visit my web page - link below? You can PRINT out a 6x6 chess board and play a game of chess! I hope this is helpful for you.
yes, hotmail do game
star_trek2007@yahoo.co.uk and star_trek2007@hotmail.co.uk
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Where can i play a little game of chess?what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas...
here is a link to a site where you can play against a computer without downloading anything.Where can i play a little game of chess?
Card and Board Games
You may like to visit my web page - link below? You can PRINT out a 6x6 chess board and play a game of chess! I hope this is helpful for you.
Is there a game i can play with my dad online?
My dad an I want to play against each other on the internet, but with separate computers. Are there any sites (virus free) that we can play on together. With games such as chess,checkers,card games or anything?Is there a game i can play with my dad online?
You can play Sega Genesis, Nintendo NES, Game Boy Color, Atari 2600, Game Boy, Apple II, Turbo Grafx, Sega Master System and Game Gear games online for free here:
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http://www.vizzed.com/vizzedboard/retro/鈥?/a>Is there a game i can play with my dad online?
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They've got thousands of awesome retro online games like Pokemon, Sonic, Mario, Mega Man, Final Fantasy, Zelda, Metroid, etc.
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http://www.vizzed.com/vizzedboard/retro/鈥?/a>Is there a game i can play with my dad online?
Family Guy Vs. American Dad - Action Game from AddictingGames
Family Guy Vs. American Dad, a Action Game from AddictingGames: Pick your favorite character and pummel the rest
Reviewing Chess Tactics?
I haven't been practicing chess in ages, but every now and then I help my friends and play just for fun. Now I need to get serious and get my mindset back together, because my school hosted chess tournament is coming up in 6 days (Saturday, the 16th).
I do not and will not read chess books, because they are a pain and I really don't have the time for it. So please do not recommend them to me. Yes, I know they're helpful, but I don't to spend a lot of time studying chess when I could be studying for homework.
Recently, when I play random people online, I no longer have some of the skills I use to have and easily fall for some simple mistakes and traps. I want to change this.
Now my question is:
Does anyone know a chess computer (for free and to download) that has an in-depth database/history of openings, such as the London, Ruy Lopez, Accelerated-Dragon, and etc?
Please do not tell me chess websites with their database. I rather move the pieces and see them move myself and a chess board on the computer. I also do not need another chess server to play other people against. Thanks!!~Reviewing Chess Tactics?
You could search on YouTube about those.
Popular videos come from jrobichess, ChessBaseGMbH and others. (ChessBaseGMbH's channel features Garry Kasparov and some world champions, really.)
BTW, here's the links to some of them:
--Ruy Lopez(Classical Defense)
--Accelerated Dragon
That's cool... from your question, it sounded like you were dropping pieces in the latest games you were playing, which is why I said what I did.
Best of luck to you in the tournament!
Sorry if I sounded mean and thanks! Everyone gets rusty when they don't play an a long time and people do make easy mistakes like what you think. I mean, think about how the scholar's mate got created and so forth.
Rust never sleeps. The only way to stop "rust" is practice.
You'll need an interface. Winboard comes with gnuchess already installed.
I know you said no books, but have you considered a notationless thing like Ault did?
It can help you practice by proving positions with a solution that is more natural than a mate in 2 with it's artificial crap.Reviewing Chess Tactics?
If you've lost as much skill as it appears, studying the openings isn't going to help. You need to sharpen you tactics. Fine, you can play a few memorized openings, big deal, but then you're going to end up dropping pieces and that's not going to be good. Openings only matter at advanced levels (Expert and above). At your level, tactics are going to decide the outcome of the games.
Der Bringer is a good chess playing program, it's available for free as a download. It allows you to set up problems and play them out. That's what you need to work on. Winboard will also work.
I do not and will not read chess books, because they are a pain and I really don't have the time for it. So please do not recommend them to me. Yes, I know they're helpful, but I don't to spend a lot of time studying chess when I could be studying for homework.
Recently, when I play random people online, I no longer have some of the skills I use to have and easily fall for some simple mistakes and traps. I want to change this.
Now my question is:
Does anyone know a chess computer (for free and to download) that has an in-depth database/history of openings, such as the London, Ruy Lopez, Accelerated-Dragon, and etc?
Please do not tell me chess websites with their database. I rather move the pieces and see them move myself and a chess board on the computer. I also do not need another chess server to play other people against. Thanks!!~Reviewing Chess Tactics?
You could search on YouTube about those.
Popular videos come from jrobichess, ChessBaseGMbH and others. (ChessBaseGMbH's channel features Garry Kasparov and some world champions, really.)
BTW, here's the links to some of them:
--Ruy Lopez(Classical Defense)
--Accelerated Dragon
That's cool... from your question, it sounded like you were dropping pieces in the latest games you were playing, which is why I said what I did.
Best of luck to you in the tournament!
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Reviewing Chess Tactics?Sorry if I sounded mean and thanks! Everyone gets rusty when they don't play an a long time and people do make easy mistakes like what you think. I mean, think about how the scholar's mate got created and so forth.
Report Abuse
Rust never sleeps. The only way to stop "rust" is practice.
You'll need an interface. Winboard comes with gnuchess already installed.
I know you said no books, but have you considered a notationless thing like Ault did?
It can help you practice by proving positions with a solution that is more natural than a mate in 2 with it's artificial crap.Reviewing Chess Tactics?
If you've lost as much skill as it appears, studying the openings isn't going to help. You need to sharpen you tactics. Fine, you can play a few memorized openings, big deal, but then you're going to end up dropping pieces and that's not going to be good. Openings only matter at advanced levels (Expert and above). At your level, tactics are going to decide the outcome of the games.
Der Bringer is a good chess playing program, it's available for free as a download. It allows you to set up problems and play them out. That's what you need to work on. Winboard will also work.
What do you think is the best chess video game for a good/amateur player who wants to get better?
I would prefer the ability to play against other people as well as just the computer.What do you think is the best chess video game for a good/amateur player who wants to get better?
You can always play chess on Yahoo! Games, there you can play against other people, which in my opinion is the best way to learn. There are many different software programs out there I think one is called Chess Mentor, it is supposed to be the best, but it is kind of expensive. There are some other programs you can learn from for much less.
Check out my chess story at http://i-play-chess.blogspot.comWhat do you think is the best chess video game for a good/amateur player who wants to get better?
there r many chess engines which u can play against or websites like www.playchess.com or internet chess club or if u would like to see whats happening in the chess world then www.chessbase.com is the best and if u want to want to see millions of chess games then the database in the site www.chessgames.com is the best
You can always play chess on Yahoo! Games, there you can play against other people, which in my opinion is the best way to learn. There are many different software programs out there I think one is called Chess Mentor, it is supposed to be the best, but it is kind of expensive. There are some other programs you can learn from for much less.
Check out my chess story at http://i-play-chess.blogspot.comWhat do you think is the best chess video game for a good/amateur player who wants to get better?
there r many chess engines which u can play against or websites like www.playchess.com or internet chess club or if u would like to see whats happening in the chess world then www.chessbase.com is the best and if u want to want to see millions of chess games then the database in the site www.chessgames.com is the best
Looking for information on chess program fritz?
currently i have chessmaster and was told by a friend that there is a better program called Fritz. After looking up some basic info on it i see that there are 12 issues in the series.
I don't use computer games to play against the computer, I use the chessmaster for the tutorials and annotated games, to learn as much as possible. Now I'm looking for another source of information on chess and i was directed to Fritz.
Is the 12 edition of Fritz a combination of all 12 issues, or is there different info in each and every one. Number 11 has things on it that 12 doesn't, 10 has things 11 doesn't. Or if i buy number 12 is that equivalent to buying all 12.
sorry if my question is drawn out and repeating itself, i just like to make sure I'm getting my question across.
Also any other chess programs you know of that are worth checking out
Thanks for any info you can shareLooking for information on chess program fritz?
By today's standards Fritz is rather a weak engine. I recommend you try Houdini, Stockfish %26amp; Ivanhoe. All free to download.Looking for information on chess program fritz?
Certainly you've seen Chessbase's tutorials on Fritz 12, yes?
Fritz 12 an engine and database program. It is completely different than Fritz 11. They changed the interface considerably. (The interface is now similar to the new "ribbon" interface, like Microsoft did with the updates to Word and Excel.)
Each number is a different version. Fritz 12 is the latest version. But no, you don't need more than one. Fritz 12 is fine, or Fritz 11 is fine, etc., but there is no need to acquire or buy both.
WinBoard is my favorite GUI. I use it to analyze games and positions with Houdini, Rybka, Stockfish, and dozens of other strong chess engines. Arena is another good GUI, probably better suited to newbies than WinBoard is. And Chessbase's free database is probably excellent for your needs. Your collection of chess software would not be complete without all of these programs.
WinBoard and Arena can be used to run test suites, hold engine vs. engine tourneys, etc.
(Note: WinBoard, Arena, Houdini, and Stockfish and dozens and dozens of other engines are all free. An earlier version of Rybka, 2.2, if I remember, is also free.)
You should download all of the 3, 4, and 5 man endgame tablebases, so your engines can play these endgames perfectly.
If you're looking for tutorials, YouTube has a bunch of good videos now, again, all free. Also, you should be visiting some of the major chess sites like The Chess Cafe, The USCF's website, etc., that are a good source for articles.
And, of course, there a half dozen good chess forums, like TalkChess, The WinBoard forum, and Chess.com, to name a few.
I don't use computer games to play against the computer, I use the chessmaster for the tutorials and annotated games, to learn as much as possible. Now I'm looking for another source of information on chess and i was directed to Fritz.
Is the 12 edition of Fritz a combination of all 12 issues, or is there different info in each and every one. Number 11 has things on it that 12 doesn't, 10 has things 11 doesn't. Or if i buy number 12 is that equivalent to buying all 12.
sorry if my question is drawn out and repeating itself, i just like to make sure I'm getting my question across.
Also any other chess programs you know of that are worth checking out
Thanks for any info you can shareLooking for information on chess program fritz?
By today's standards Fritz is rather a weak engine. I recommend you try Houdini, Stockfish %26amp; Ivanhoe. All free to download.Looking for information on chess program fritz?
Certainly you've seen Chessbase's tutorials on Fritz 12, yes?
Fritz 12 an engine and database program. It is completely different than Fritz 11. They changed the interface considerably. (The interface is now similar to the new "ribbon" interface, like Microsoft did with the updates to Word and Excel.)
Each number is a different version. Fritz 12 is the latest version. But no, you don't need more than one. Fritz 12 is fine, or Fritz 11 is fine, etc., but there is no need to acquire or buy both.
WinBoard is my favorite GUI. I use it to analyze games and positions with Houdini, Rybka, Stockfish, and dozens of other strong chess engines. Arena is another good GUI, probably better suited to newbies than WinBoard is. And Chessbase's free database is probably excellent for your needs. Your collection of chess software would not be complete without all of these programs.
WinBoard and Arena can be used to run test suites, hold engine vs. engine tourneys, etc.
(Note: WinBoard, Arena, Houdini, and Stockfish and dozens and dozens of other engines are all free. An earlier version of Rybka, 2.2, if I remember, is also free.)
You should download all of the 3, 4, and 5 man endgame tablebases, so your engines can play these endgames perfectly.
If you're looking for tutorials, YouTube has a bunch of good videos now, again, all free. Also, you should be visiting some of the major chess sites like The Chess Cafe, The USCF's website, etc., that are a good source for articles.
And, of course, there a half dozen good chess forums, like TalkChess, The WinBoard forum, and Chess.com, to name a few.
How do I get better at Chess ?
I have been playing Chess for quite a few years, but I cant seem to win games against 1800 rated players or above. I have been using tutorial based chess software for several years and havent really improved. Since I do an absurd amount of traveling in my work, attending Chess instruction is a little tricky .
I mainly use notebook computer and one of those electonic chess machines
good for travel. Anyone have any ideas or study tips I might to try?How do I get better at Chess ?
You have to read books and REPLAY games through chess boards (better than through your notebook computer).
Get books like Basic Chess Endings (one who said above) and also games of Michail Botvinnik. Read particulary from Botvinnik. If you read his history, the famous 3 Ks came and studied to his school and became famous World Champion!!!
You should get his famous "100 Selected Games" and replay all his games REPEATEDLY and instill on your mind his games and comments.
In this way, you will beat against 1800 rated players, then later get Fritz (version 7 at least) chess program to be your sparring partner...
learn from me!How do I get better at Chess ?
Practice, I've taught 2 bros %26amp; 2 sons so far, yahoo has online game as well as other services...I beat Fla state champ 4 out of 5 a few yrs back...Bobby Fischer..."knights n pawns"
play with real people. machines are made to beat your butt not teach.How do I get better at Chess ?
the opening moves is the key. it's the trade off in mid game is where you win or lose.so it's good posture that's important .
gary becker score 1870.
Don't use the same opening moves in every game; try to vary your opening play.
Start writing down your moves if you don't already and re-play through your games; there may be a common error you're making in the games which you lose.
Hi there,
Playing Chess involves strategies and luck. Where is the luck coming from? When you play with weaker defensive players, you are lucky and winning easily. When you play with super defensive players, you will have very bad luck. You may lose if you are a weaker defensive player in that case.
To improve your playing skills, you need to master more strategies for responding to different attacks. Learning from the losing result by taking a screenshot. Save the winning screenshots in a file to analyze the reasons or factors led u to win those games.
Screenshot Tips: (Copy. Paste. Save)
Step 1: Find the "Prt Scr/SysRq" button on your keyboard and press it when u need a screenshot.
Step 2: Open Paint ( Clicking Start %26gt; Programs %26gt; Accessories %26gt; Paint) and press the "Paste" button.
Step 3: Save the screenshot with a name such as "move-1.bmp"
Organzie the screenshots in different categories for good defense or bad moves, etc. That will improve your winning skills dramatically.
Good luck on your Chess games!
Study the endgame I'd recommend Ruben Fines Basic Chess
practice. find players with rating close to yours
I mainly use notebook computer and one of those electonic chess machines
good for travel. Anyone have any ideas or study tips I might to try?How do I get better at Chess ?
You have to read books and REPLAY games through chess boards (better than through your notebook computer).
Get books like Basic Chess Endings (one who said above) and also games of Michail Botvinnik. Read particulary from Botvinnik. If you read his history, the famous 3 Ks came and studied to his school and became famous World Champion!!!
You should get his famous "100 Selected Games" and replay all his games REPEATEDLY and instill on your mind his games and comments.
In this way, you will beat against 1800 rated players, then later get Fritz (version 7 at least) chess program to be your sparring partner...
learn from me!How do I get better at Chess ?
Practice, I've taught 2 bros %26amp; 2 sons so far, yahoo has online game as well as other services...I beat Fla state champ 4 out of 5 a few yrs back...Bobby Fischer..."knights n pawns"
play with real people. machines are made to beat your butt not teach.How do I get better at Chess ?
the opening moves is the key. it's the trade off in mid game is where you win or lose.so it's good posture that's important .
gary becker score 1870.
Don't use the same opening moves in every game; try to vary your opening play.
Start writing down your moves if you don't already and re-play through your games; there may be a common error you're making in the games which you lose.
Hi there,
Playing Chess involves strategies and luck. Where is the luck coming from? When you play with weaker defensive players, you are lucky and winning easily. When you play with super defensive players, you will have very bad luck. You may lose if you are a weaker defensive player in that case.
To improve your playing skills, you need to master more strategies for responding to different attacks. Learning from the losing result by taking a screenshot. Save the winning screenshots in a file to analyze the reasons or factors led u to win those games.
Screenshot Tips: (Copy. Paste. Save)
Step 1: Find the "Prt Scr/SysRq" button on your keyboard and press it when u need a screenshot.
Step 2: Open Paint ( Clicking Start %26gt; Programs %26gt; Accessories %26gt; Paint) and press the "Paste" button.
Step 3: Save the screenshot with a name such as "move-1.bmp"
Organzie the screenshots in different categories for good defense or bad moves, etc. That will improve your winning skills dramatically.
Good luck on your Chess games!
Study the endgame I'd recommend Ruben Fines Basic Chess
practice. find players with rating close to yours
What's a single free app that works well in Windows 7 and has multiple board games?
I am trying to find one that has the basic strategy board games like chess and go at least. I'm looking for the ones that you can play against the computer with no internet connection. The more games and the simpler the better, but I would be happy with anything that meets the above requirements.
Thanks so much!What's a single free app that works well in Windows 7 and has multiple board games?
Hi there,
If you go to the Start menu %26gt; All Programs %26gt; Games, you'll find dozens of games that come bundled in Windows 7, including 'Chess Titans'. Enjoy!
Windows Outreach TeamWhat's a single free app that works well in Windows 7 and has multiple board games?
Hi again,
Did you find a good board game to play on Windows 7? Let me know if you'd like some other suggestions!
Windows Outreach Teamkasich car battery
Thanks so much!What's a single free app that works well in Windows 7 and has multiple board games?
Hi there,
If you go to the Start menu %26gt; All Programs %26gt; Games, you'll find dozens of games that come bundled in Windows 7, including 'Chess Titans'. Enjoy!
Windows Outreach TeamWhat's a single free app that works well in Windows 7 and has multiple board games?
Hi again,
Did you find a good board game to play on Windows 7? Let me know if you'd like some other suggestions!
Windows Outreach Team
Report Abuse
Is it possible for computer Internet browser and iPhone...?
to have a small game like chess for example,
people would be able to play from their computer against people who are using iPhones vice versa?
Thanks in advanceIs it possible for computer Internet browser and iPhone...?
people would be able to play from their computer against people who are using iPhones vice versa?
Thanks in advanceIs it possible for computer Internet browser and iPhone...?
Should I stop beating my wife?
Okay here's the deal I've been playing chess ever since I was years old. my dad taught me how to play and made me enter tournaments. At first I hated it but it grew on me fast and I devoted myself to it and became a very solid chess player. I'm 22 years old now and I have been trying to teach my wife how to play chess. I help her train on internet chess against the computer. And I've played 3 games with her and won each game convincingly. I can tell she's getting frustrated and doesn't really want to play anymore cause she can't beat me and she's very competitive. Should I just let her beat me a few times to renew her interest and passion for chess?Should I stop beating my wife?
Man,Your title made me think you hit her!
you should have phrased the title of this post differently.
Don't LET her win, ever. But go easy on her. Never make it apparent that that's what you're doing.Should I stop beating my wife?
nope, beat her soundly and never get sex again...... yea that sounds smart...hahaha what do you want? be a good chess player and get what you want... winning isn't always on the board...:)
Thank God it's about chess. Poor choice of title dude, I was ready to start cursing you out.
Yes let her win a few times.Should I stop beating my wife?
No, Just go up to her and everyday beat the living **** outta her. That will teach that ***** to not cheat on you with your boss.
yes stop. let her win
of course
LOL...catchy headline.
I think not. She's frustrated because she has not "caught" on to the game yet, at least to the point where she can master it.
If she is as competitive as you say she is she will learn the game well enough to beat you, do not give her any special treatment. Let her learn it on her own.
Then again, chess could be something that she is not that good at whether you helped her or not.
Either way, don't let her win because you feel sorry for her, if you do, she might think she's really good when in reality she is not.
Did your dad "let" you win?
Man,Your title made me think you hit her!
you should have phrased the title of this post differently.
Don't LET her win, ever. But go easy on her. Never make it apparent that that's what you're doing.Should I stop beating my wife?
nope, beat her soundly and never get sex again...... yea that sounds smart...hahaha what do you want? be a good chess player and get what you want... winning isn't always on the board...:)
Thank God it's about chess. Poor choice of title dude, I was ready to start cursing you out.
Yes let her win a few times.Should I stop beating my wife?
No, Just go up to her and everyday beat the living **** outta her. That will teach that ***** to not cheat on you with your boss.
yes stop. let her win
of course
LOL...catchy headline.
I think not. She's frustrated because she has not "caught" on to the game yet, at least to the point where she can master it.
If she is as competitive as you say she is she will learn the game well enough to beat you, do not give her any special treatment. Let her learn it on her own.
Then again, chess could be something that she is not that good at whether you helped her or not.
Either way, don't let her win because you feel sorry for her, if you do, she might think she's really good when in reality she is not.
Did your dad "let" you win?
Why is Yahoo Chess so glitchy?
I have 3 different computers, all of them have trouble only when I play yahoo chess. Everyone I play against seems to complain about glitches and crashes. Everyone I know who uses it says it does the same for them. So why does a major player like yahoo let it go on like that? I love chess online but the whole crashing all the time thing is really starting to make me wanna hang it up.Why is Yahoo Chess so glitchy?
maby its because so many ppl are online playing chess
maby its because so many ppl are online playing chess
I have a couple of questions concerning Chess books and Strategies?
I love to play Chess, although I haven't played competitively since early this year. I let Chess go for awhile and after a few games I lost I fell to 802 in USCF rating from my highest of 1162. Although, if I had kept practicing and not slacking off, I'm confident I could have done much better in the last few tournaments. Anyways, I used to read books for intermediate players from the McKay Chess Library. Which as far as I know is a group of people who make Chess Books :) For someone around my rating, I would say between 802 and 1162, What Chess books would you recommend for helping me to improve strategies for all three parts of the game, opening, middle and endgames.?
Also, I would like to know, I have a Winboard Chess Program for my computer. I have heard that it is good to practice against computers. Is Winboard a good program to practice against? It doesn't like point out mistakes or show arrows for moves or anything like some programs do, it's just you can the computer and I don't think it has a difficulty setting. So is it good to practice against Winboard? Will it help me improve me game? ANd just so yo don't forget the first question,
Thanks to all who answer! Stay Safe and God Bless! :)! What Chess books would you recommend for helping me to improve strategies for all three parts of the game, opening, middle and endgames?I have a couple of questions concerning Chess books and Strategies?
Hi Martin,
Well, I too went through a similar experience earlier this year. I had quintessentially given up chess for five or six years, until I got this very computer. When I got it, buying it brand new, I had to check out all the games it came with, and chess was one of them. One thing led to another and I ended up getting destroyed by Level 4/10 Chess Titans program. I instantly got back into chess, with my computer being my only rival. I rejoined a chess club I had been in around 2005, and now I'm doing great! I actually just came back from a tournament around 3:00pm.
Anyway, so point is, I was going through what you are going through now, having been out of the chess world for a while.
I've found several excellent books in my journey to chess greatness.
There's always the classics, like the infamous My System - by Aron Nimzowitsch; the all-time popular Logical Chess: Move by Move - by Irving Chernev; and Bobby Fischer's My Sixty Memorable Games (or other annotated game collections of a world champion).
My System is a book I just ordered online and received two days ago, so I haven't really had time to really get into it, but it's incredibly popular, and it says within the book that if you were to survey 100 Grandmasters, 99 of the 100 would say that they have read this book.
Irving Chernev is an immensly popular writer (or ... WAS, rather, before he died) who is authoring the book Logical Chess: Move by Move. It's highly recommended to many beginners and intermediate players.
Jeremy Silman has a plethora of books out there, all of them fantastic! The Amateur's Mind, The Complete Book of Chess Strategy, ect.
World champion games collections will help you, as will puzzle books like Susan Polgar's Chess Tactics for Champions (which I own), but they aren't quite... all - around books. They instead focus on certain aspects of chess, instead of covering a broad range of things.
My System (by Aron Nimzowitsch) is great for covering quite literally everything. I have only owned it for two days, but it's really really famous (which is WHY I bought it) and I've read many reviews.
So, really, Jeremy Silman has the best up-to-date books, and he's a famous writer (not to mention, he's an International Master). I personally think his Complete Book of Strategy is the best, but most say that his The Amateur's Mind is. Idk, but the simplest thing to do is just to go to a bookstore and find the book that appeals to you the most.
Hope I helped,
JohnI have a couple of questions concerning Chess books and Strategies?
i gave you good advice the first time...your problem is you don't like to listen to other people...thats why your a poor chess player
Also, I would like to know, I have a Winboard Chess Program for my computer. I have heard that it is good to practice against computers. Is Winboard a good program to practice against? It doesn't like point out mistakes or show arrows for moves or anything like some programs do, it's just you can the computer and I don't think it has a difficulty setting. So is it good to practice against Winboard? Will it help me improve me game? ANd just so yo don't forget the first question,
Thanks to all who answer! Stay Safe and God Bless! :)! What Chess books would you recommend for helping me to improve strategies for all three parts of the game, opening, middle and endgames?I have a couple of questions concerning Chess books and Strategies?
Hi Martin,
Well, I too went through a similar experience earlier this year. I had quintessentially given up chess for five or six years, until I got this very computer. When I got it, buying it brand new, I had to check out all the games it came with, and chess was one of them. One thing led to another and I ended up getting destroyed by Level 4/10 Chess Titans program. I instantly got back into chess, with my computer being my only rival. I rejoined a chess club I had been in around 2005, and now I'm doing great! I actually just came back from a tournament around 3:00pm.
Anyway, so point is, I was going through what you are going through now, having been out of the chess world for a while.
I've found several excellent books in my journey to chess greatness.
There's always the classics, like the infamous My System - by Aron Nimzowitsch; the all-time popular Logical Chess: Move by Move - by Irving Chernev; and Bobby Fischer's My Sixty Memorable Games (or other annotated game collections of a world champion).
My System is a book I just ordered online and received two days ago, so I haven't really had time to really get into it, but it's incredibly popular, and it says within the book that if you were to survey 100 Grandmasters, 99 of the 100 would say that they have read this book.
Irving Chernev is an immensly popular writer (or ... WAS, rather, before he died) who is authoring the book Logical Chess: Move by Move. It's highly recommended to many beginners and intermediate players.
Jeremy Silman has a plethora of books out there, all of them fantastic! The Amateur's Mind, The Complete Book of Chess Strategy, ect.
World champion games collections will help you, as will puzzle books like Susan Polgar's Chess Tactics for Champions (which I own), but they aren't quite... all - around books. They instead focus on certain aspects of chess, instead of covering a broad range of things.
My System (by Aron Nimzowitsch) is great for covering quite literally everything. I have only owned it for two days, but it's really really famous (which is WHY I bought it) and I've read many reviews.
So, really, Jeremy Silman has the best up-to-date books, and he's a famous writer (not to mention, he's an International Master). I personally think his Complete Book of Strategy is the best, but most say that his The Amateur's Mind is. Idk, but the simplest thing to do is just to go to a bookstore and find the book that appeals to you the most.
Hope I helped,
JohnI have a couple of questions concerning Chess books and Strategies?
i gave you good advice the first time...your problem is you don't like to listen to other people...thats why your a poor chess player
Is hedge hogging in chess a good strategy?
I've been trying different openings in chess lately, because most of my opening relied on my knights and I kept accidentally block one of my bishops. I generally play as black and I like to play off my kings side (which hedge hogging does). When I play against the computer it's worked wonders for me. But is it a good chess strategy to use for club play or recreation (I'm only in high school so it's not like I'm really doing any form of hard core playing right now)? Is it balanced/flexible enough to be used effectively against a variety of people?Is hedge hogging in chess a good strategy?
No. It takes too long, and if your opponent is stupid and allows it, he only needs to throw pawns at you, then your pieces suck.
Against a human it may work once.Is hedge hogging in chess a good strategy?
No. You opponent can develope his pieces, pry open the appropriate files, and make a massive attack.
All you'll have is a few diagonal pawns.
Really, hedge-hog doesn't work.
miata california academy of sciences
No. It takes too long, and if your opponent is stupid and allows it, he only needs to throw pawns at you, then your pieces suck.
Against a human it may work once.Is hedge hogging in chess a good strategy?
No. You opponent can develope his pieces, pry open the appropriate files, and make a massive attack.
All you'll have is a few diagonal pawns.
Really, hedge-hog doesn't work.
Where can I get that old chess game that came with my packard bell back in 95?
its the one where you play against that zigggarat computer guy.Where can I get that old chess game that came with my packard bell back in 95?
i don't know, but i think that even if you did find the game, it would not be compatible with any of the updated software. However, you might be able to find a current version, you would need the previous name and version to google it and to begin your search. Good luck to you.
i don't know, but i think that even if you did find the game, it would not be compatible with any of the updated software. However, you might be able to find a current version, you would need the previous name and version to google it and to begin your search. Good luck to you.
How is this a draw? chess titans?
I'm relatively new to chess and today when I was playing against my computer It ended in a draw. Can anyone explain why?How is this a draw? chess titans?
basically, its called a stalemate. it means you or the opponent is not in check, however they have no moves such as where ever the king goes it will put him in chec. if you can move any other piece like a pawn, it is not stalemate. when you have only a king left, try to make the other person go into stalemate. your welcome :)How is this a draw? chess titans?
Because that is a stalemate. The black king is currently not in check, but with black to move any move it makes will place it in check. So black has nowhere to move , but it is not checkmated by white since as it stands it is not in check. This is called stalemate and it's a draw.
I'm relatively new to chess and today when I was playing against my computer It ended in a draw. Can anyone explain why?How is this a draw? chess titans?
basically, its called a stalemate. it means you or the opponent is not in check, however they have no moves such as where ever the king goes it will put him in chec. if you can move any other piece like a pawn, it is not stalemate. when you have only a king left, try to make the other person go into stalemate. your welcome :)How is this a draw? chess titans?
Because that is a stalemate. The black king is currently not in check, but with black to move any move it makes will place it in check. So black has nowhere to move , but it is not checkmated by white since as it stands it is not in check. This is called stalemate and it's a draw.
Chess (ish) question...?
I have been playing chess for more than 9 years (not frequently). The problem is that whoever I face doesn't have much experience. I barely play with someone who is better. I want to learn by playing against strong players. I want to have a chess teacher but I am never being encouraged to play chess (at home). My whole family hates this game and my parents won't let me download any chess software in my computer!Chess (ish) question...?
Play Yahoo Chess. You don't have to download anything. If you are able to get on Yahoo Answers, you can play Yahoo Chess.
You can play against players who suck up to really, really strong players. You just have to check their ratings. In Yahoo Chess, you start of with a rating of 1200. Each time you win a game, your rating goes up, and each time you lose your rating goes down.
Look for people who's ratings are in the 2000s. They are the good players, however, they may not want to play with you because your ratings will be low at the beginning. You may have to play some people on your level (or around the same amount of ratings as you) first to build up your ratings, then the better your ratings, the better your opponents.
I play chess at itsyourturn.com
no down loading need
There other chess site to I think it chess knot or something like that where they rate you. I use to play on it but then when my friend played on my computer they stopped me using the site. To stop people having two accounts.Chess (ish) question...?
Try going to these okay chess sites:
Try gameknot.com, plenty of good players there that are up for challenges.Chess (ish) question...?
Is a chess club a possibility? Most cities and universities have one (or more). I must say that to prevent you having chess programs at your age seems like a case of over-parenting to me. Bad karma man.
Play Yahoo Chess. You don't have to download anything. If you are able to get on Yahoo Answers, you can play Yahoo Chess.
You can play against players who suck up to really, really strong players. You just have to check their ratings. In Yahoo Chess, you start of with a rating of 1200. Each time you win a game, your rating goes up, and each time you lose your rating goes down.
Look for people who's ratings are in the 2000s. They are the good players, however, they may not want to play with you because your ratings will be low at the beginning. You may have to play some people on your level (or around the same amount of ratings as you) first to build up your ratings, then the better your ratings, the better your opponents.
I play chess at itsyourturn.com
no down loading need
There other chess site to I think it chess knot or something like that where they rate you. I use to play on it but then when my friend played on my computer they stopped me using the site. To stop people having two accounts.Chess (ish) question...?
Try going to these okay chess sites:
Try gameknot.com, plenty of good players there that are up for challenges.Chess (ish) question...?
Is a chess club a possibility? Most cities and universities have one (or more). I must say that to prevent you having chess programs at your age seems like a case of over-parenting to me. Bad karma man.
Do you think a chess betting/gambling website could be a good business idea?
So i am thinking of this idea for a chess gambling website which works this way:
2 Players 'sit' on a chess table and each of which bets say $100 - whoever wins the game takes the other guy's money and i keep a small commission of say 1%.
It's like person=to=person chess playing online. I know there are many obstacles...like computer bots playing against real people, etc. But other than that - do you think people will be willing to test their skills in such a website or it won't make the news anyway?
10x!Do you think a chess betting/gambling website could be a good business idea?
No, it's not a good idea.
There's a reason why this doesn't exist already. As you mentioned, bots would overrun the site and no one would make any money. This is also why there is no site where you could play Scrabble for money. The same thing would happen.Do you think a chess betting/gambling website could be a good business idea?
It's not going to work, because there's no way you can stop people from cheating and using computer programs. It doesn't even have to be a bot, I can have chess software running on a completely separate computer, so that there's no way to detect it. People will flood your website with the chess software because it looks like an easy way to make money. Honest players will be driven out because they never win, unless they're very, very good, and there aren't enough very good players out there to keep the website afloat.Do you think a chess betting/gambling website could be a good business idea?
It's a bad idea, how about online sports betting, I'm sure you'll get a lot of bettors active that way. because there's a lot of sports to choose from, your betting site must not concentrate on one game only. the more games you have, the more bettors will be on your site.
I think it's highly unlikely that it would work.
At the moment, I don't think bots would be a problem because the top grandmasters are still better than commercial-grade software on personal computers (though the gap is shrinking each year). It would only be a problem in matches with short time, so I guess there just wouldn't be fast matches.
The biggest problem would be that only a handful of people in the world (if any) would be willing to play for money in a world-wide arena. In live play, the 2nd-tier players only make money because the top players aren't playing in every single tournament. At a website like what you propose, the top players would be there at all times because they wouldn't have to travel anywhere. The top players could battle each other, but they'd probably end up losing to the commission even if it is a small percentage (the #1 player really isn't much better than the #10 player). If any player were dominant enough to profit, then the other GM's would stop playing him/her. So it's a lose-lose for the players.
The only way it might work -- though still doubtful -- is if non-grandmasters would be willing to lose money just for the opportunity of playing with the world's best players. Or to pit their software against the grandmaster and save the match to study. But I don't think many people would do this, because nowadays people already have access to grandmaster-level software, so there'd be no reason to pay so much money (whatever amount the GM felt was worth his time) just to play to a slightly-better human grandmaster and get crushed just as badly.
As for a GM or master who wants to play better opponents to improve, he would just play free matches at the already-existing websites, where all levels of players play.bikebandit resident evil 5 cheats
2 Players 'sit' on a chess table and each of which bets say $100 - whoever wins the game takes the other guy's money and i keep a small commission of say 1%.
It's like person=to=person chess playing online. I know there are many obstacles...like computer bots playing against real people, etc. But other than that - do you think people will be willing to test their skills in such a website or it won't make the news anyway?
10x!Do you think a chess betting/gambling website could be a good business idea?
No, it's not a good idea.
There's a reason why this doesn't exist already. As you mentioned, bots would overrun the site and no one would make any money. This is also why there is no site where you could play Scrabble for money. The same thing would happen.Do you think a chess betting/gambling website could be a good business idea?
It's not going to work, because there's no way you can stop people from cheating and using computer programs. It doesn't even have to be a bot, I can have chess software running on a completely separate computer, so that there's no way to detect it. People will flood your website with the chess software because it looks like an easy way to make money. Honest players will be driven out because they never win, unless they're very, very good, and there aren't enough very good players out there to keep the website afloat.Do you think a chess betting/gambling website could be a good business idea?
It's a bad idea, how about online sports betting, I'm sure you'll get a lot of bettors active that way. because there's a lot of sports to choose from, your betting site must not concentrate on one game only. the more games you have, the more bettors will be on your site.
I think it's highly unlikely that it would work.
At the moment, I don't think bots would be a problem because the top grandmasters are still better than commercial-grade software on personal computers (though the gap is shrinking each year). It would only be a problem in matches with short time, so I guess there just wouldn't be fast matches.
The biggest problem would be that only a handful of people in the world (if any) would be willing to play for money in a world-wide arena. In live play, the 2nd-tier players only make money because the top players aren't playing in every single tournament. At a website like what you propose, the top players would be there at all times because they wouldn't have to travel anywhere. The top players could battle each other, but they'd probably end up losing to the commission even if it is a small percentage (the #1 player really isn't much better than the #10 player). If any player were dominant enough to profit, then the other GM's would stop playing him/her. So it's a lose-lose for the players.
The only way it might work -- though still doubtful -- is if non-grandmasters would be willing to lose money just for the opportunity of playing with the world's best players. Or to pit their software against the grandmaster and save the match to study. But I don't think many people would do this, because nowadays people already have access to grandmaster-level software, so there'd be no reason to pay so much money (whatever amount the GM felt was worth his time) just to play to a slightly-better human grandmaster and get crushed just as badly.
As for a GM or master who wants to play better opponents to improve, he would just play free matches at the already-existing websites, where all levels of players play.
Chess Download?
I recently got windows vista on one of my pcs and found it came with a free chess game. This piqued my interest in chess, and now i have begun looking for a free chess game that i can download and play against the computer whenever i want. An online site where i could play against a computer would be ok but really i was looking for a free downloadable chess game. Where can i find one?Chess Download?
Can someone please help me figure out this chess game?
I'm playing against the computer on my iPod. I'm black and computer is white. I think I have white in a good position, but I don't know which moves to make next. Any tips would be most appreciated :)
4shared.com/photo/iYj-l8M7/chess.htmlCan someone please help me figure out this chess game?
Please notice that white has a backward e-pawn that is pinned against his king.
I consider that pawn to be a target. I believe best for black would be to move Re8.
Follow by getting the black knight out of the way while also creating it's own threat.
4shared.com/photo/iYj-l8M7/chess.htmlCan someone please help me figure out this chess game?
Please notice that white has a backward e-pawn that is pinned against his king.
I consider that pawn to be a target. I believe best for black would be to move Re8.
Follow by getting the black knight out of the way while also creating it's own threat.
What is the best first move to make in a game of chess ?
Also, what do you follow up with.
(would you make a different first move if playing against a computer rather than another person?)What is the best first move to make in a game of chess ?
move your pawn to E4, this is the most common and one of the best openings because it allows you to start bringing out your pieces easier and it takes control of the middle of the board, when that pawn is attacked, defend it and play from there.
I think that the best first move in a game of chess is to acknowledge your opponent. Some would shake hands. Other people would say hello and nod the head.What is the best first move to make in a game of chess ?
Walk away.
unfortunately if you play against a computer you will need special skills than when playing with an ordinary person who do lots of mistakes %26amp; loose focus. the first move i make is to use almost all of my pons and bishop or queen to atack before i'm atacked.What is the best first move to make in a game of chess ?
A good opening move is to bring your knights forward. You opponent will do two things, he will bring his pawns forward or bring his knigt out. . if he brings his knight out then his back row is exposed to the knight which can attackk the back row without being taken, if your careful. As for him bringing his pawns out, they can be taken by your knights.
It depends on your tactics. If you play white then use a ofensive move first such as king pawns opening, then developing ur queen and bishop into powerful posistions. If you play black move king and queens pawn then moving biships past the forth rank into powerful positions.
i;m always use King Pawns tactic, it is defensive yet powerful, beside , you can develop your piece easier by doing this tactic
pawn to king four, best first move, Bobby Fischer recommends it, leads to fastest development of pieces, then knights out before bishops, castle, then attack
As someone else suggested e4, is a great opening move. Look at your library for some chess books. Believe me, there are tons of books on openings alone, and even whole dictionaries of opening moves and variations. Its pretty madening, but if you want to be a good chess player your going to have to know all of the basic openings, your oponents responses, and the type of game which results from each type of opening.
For the most part, when you are playing chess, you should always make the best move possible for any situation as it is presented on the board. This means you should play the same way against a weak oponent, a strong oponent or a computer. This way you won't be sloppy, and get in bad habits by trying to pull a fast one a weak oponent. There are exceptions to this of course, but its a good general way to play.
If you are a beginner, I would encourage you to practice with longer games. Try searching for the internet chess club, it is by far the best place to play online for a fairly reasonable price. Almost all games between Class E players are won or lost because of some type of blunder or mistake, such as losing a piece, or an obvious positional mess-up. Work hard on concentrating and eliminating these mistakes from your game. that well help you get far with chess
Remove the pawn diagonal to the queen, then move the diagonally to the right
Best move to make in a chess game? That's easy. The move that get's your opponent's king.
Play black and then only have to repond to the computer's moves.
Otherwise your best first move will be dependent on your playing style
Kings pawn advance 2 squares and then follow it up with moving out your knights, and a bishop and queen. Develop from there.
There is no 'best' first move. Don't get too caught up in opening moves because they are just memorization. Chess is really all about the end-game tactics. Learn the end-game strategy and how pieces work and then you won't have to worry about the first couple of moves - they will come naturally. Plus, your moves always depend on what your opponents just did, so you want to be flexible in your thinking.
definitely bring out the knight - try and force your opponent to attack down one side of the board
The best way to open a chess game is 1.c4. That is called the English opening. The English is an opening keeps all pieces on the board maintaining tension thus allowing White to play for a win.After 1.e4 or 1.d4 their could be and immediate bloodbath with all of the pieces being exchanged off and a draw resulting. Making the English Opening a good opening in a "must win" situation.In the last game of the 1987 World Championship Chess Match between Kasparov and Karpov, Kasparov had to win the game in order to keep the World Title and Long term pressure was to much for Karpov as he lost the game.
(would you make a different first move if playing against a computer rather than another person?)What is the best first move to make in a game of chess ?
move your pawn to E4, this is the most common and one of the best openings because it allows you to start bringing out your pieces easier and it takes control of the middle of the board, when that pawn is attacked, defend it and play from there.
I think that the best first move in a game of chess is to acknowledge your opponent. Some would shake hands. Other people would say hello and nod the head.What is the best first move to make in a game of chess ?
Walk away.
unfortunately if you play against a computer you will need special skills than when playing with an ordinary person who do lots of mistakes %26amp; loose focus. the first move i make is to use almost all of my pons and bishop or queen to atack before i'm atacked.What is the best first move to make in a game of chess ?
A good opening move is to bring your knights forward. You opponent will do two things, he will bring his pawns forward or bring his knigt out. . if he brings his knight out then his back row is exposed to the knight which can attackk the back row without being taken, if your careful. As for him bringing his pawns out, they can be taken by your knights.
It depends on your tactics. If you play white then use a ofensive move first such as king pawns opening, then developing ur queen and bishop into powerful posistions. If you play black move king and queens pawn then moving biships past the forth rank into powerful positions.
i;m always use King Pawns tactic, it is defensive yet powerful, beside , you can develop your piece easier by doing this tactic
pawn to king four, best first move, Bobby Fischer recommends it, leads to fastest development of pieces, then knights out before bishops, castle, then attack
As someone else suggested e4, is a great opening move. Look at your library for some chess books. Believe me, there are tons of books on openings alone, and even whole dictionaries of opening moves and variations. Its pretty madening, but if you want to be a good chess player your going to have to know all of the basic openings, your oponents responses, and the type of game which results from each type of opening.
For the most part, when you are playing chess, you should always make the best move possible for any situation as it is presented on the board. This means you should play the same way against a weak oponent, a strong oponent or a computer. This way you won't be sloppy, and get in bad habits by trying to pull a fast one a weak oponent. There are exceptions to this of course, but its a good general way to play.
If you are a beginner, I would encourage you to practice with longer games. Try searching for the internet chess club, it is by far the best place to play online for a fairly reasonable price. Almost all games between Class E players are won or lost because of some type of blunder or mistake, such as losing a piece, or an obvious positional mess-up. Work hard on concentrating and eliminating these mistakes from your game. that well help you get far with chess
Remove the pawn diagonal to the queen, then move the diagonally to the right
Best move to make in a chess game? That's easy. The move that get's your opponent's king.
Play black and then only have to repond to the computer's moves.
Otherwise your best first move will be dependent on your playing style
Kings pawn advance 2 squares and then follow it up with moving out your knights, and a bishop and queen. Develop from there.
There is no 'best' first move. Don't get too caught up in opening moves because they are just memorization. Chess is really all about the end-game tactics. Learn the end-game strategy and how pieces work and then you won't have to worry about the first couple of moves - they will come naturally. Plus, your moves always depend on what your opponents just did, so you want to be flexible in your thinking.
definitely bring out the knight - try and force your opponent to attack down one side of the board
The best way to open a chess game is 1.c4. That is called the English opening. The English is an opening keeps all pieces on the board maintaining tension thus allowing White to play for a win.After 1.e4 or 1.d4 their could be and immediate bloodbath with all of the pieces being exchanged off and a draw resulting. Making the English Opening a good opening in a "must win" situation.In the last game of the 1987 World Championship Chess Match between Kasparov and Karpov, Kasparov had to win the game in order to keep the World Title and Long term pressure was to much for Karpov as he lost the game.
Where can I download a chess game?
One that I can play against both the computer and other players via the internet?Where can I download a chess game?
has phone software and free online play 24 hour a day.
a strong software for macs is called Albia, though I don't know where you get it.Where can I download a chess game?
Try Arena ( http://www.playwitharena.com ).
It is free, can connect to chess servers like FICS, as well as play any engine you want to install. (It comes with a default engine SOS, but one can add the current number 2 in the world Stockfish for free.)
has phone software and free online play 24 hour a day.
a strong software for macs is called Albia, though I don't know where you get it.Where can I download a chess game?
Try Arena ( http://www.playwitharena.com ).
It is free, can connect to chess servers like FICS, as well as play any engine you want to install. (It comes with a default engine SOS, but one can add the current number 2 in the world Stockfish for free.)
From where i can download the demo version of naum 4 chess engine. or any other good chess engine.?
chess engines are computer programs which plays against human players and we can learn various moves by playing with the programs.From where i can download the demo version of naum 4 chess engine. or any other good chess engine.?
I read that Naum chess engine was free until Version 2.0:
Perhaps of interest to you is Naum 4 in a Torrents Search:
http://www.TorrentReactor.net/find/Naum+鈥?/a>pontoon boats new album releases
I read that Naum chess engine was free until Version 2.0:
Perhaps of interest to you is Naum 4 in a Torrents Search:
Need help with chess.?
How many moves does the king have to take for the game to be drawn. I'm playing against the computer in window's chess titans.
the computer always cheats by making me move my king back and forth between check.Need help with chess.?
50 moves but there is a but.
If he has a pawn left if he moves it after 47 then you start counting at 1 again.
Does the queen look hot on your set oh the queen looks hot on my set go away leave me for five minutes Need help with chess.?
stalemate (or drawn) is where the king can not move without being in check from a starting point where he is not in check. if you can move your king to another space (or backwards and forwards between two spaces) then the game can not be drawn.
the info here should be able to help:-
the king can move any number of times without causing a draw.
A draw happens when the same pair of moves is repeated three times in succession or when the king must move, is not in check but can only move into check.Need help with chess.?
50 times for your king to move so like 99 moves for both teams. It only works if its just your king left and no other pieces
If you have the same position three times it is a draw/stalemate.
Or if you're not in check or checkmate and you can't move it is stalemate.
Or if you only have a King which is mobile - 50 moves until stalemate
Hmm, it seems everyone has part of the answer.
What probably happened is the game was drawn by repetition. If the computer delivers enough checks so the same position arises for the third time, it's a draw. Computers typically don't cheat, unless the program is bugged
The 50 move rule is something else. If no piece was taken for 50 moves and no pawn moved, the game is a draw. It does not matter how many other pieces are on the board. These are 50 full moves, so from black and white.
the computer always cheats by making me move my king back and forth between check.Need help with chess.?
50 moves but there is a but.
If he has a pawn left if he moves it after 47 then you start counting at 1 again.
Does the queen look hot on your set oh the queen looks hot on my set go away leave me for five minutes Need help with chess.?
stalemate (or drawn) is where the king can not move without being in check from a starting point where he is not in check. if you can move your king to another space (or backwards and forwards between two spaces) then the game can not be drawn.
the info here should be able to help:-
the king can move any number of times without causing a draw.
A draw happens when the same pair of moves is repeated three times in succession or when the king must move, is not in check but can only move into check.Need help with chess.?
50 times for your king to move so like 99 moves for both teams. It only works if its just your king left and no other pieces
If you have the same position three times it is a draw/stalemate.
Or if you're not in check or checkmate and you can't move it is stalemate.
Or if you only have a King which is mobile - 50 moves until stalemate
Hmm, it seems everyone has part of the answer.
What probably happened is the game was drawn by repetition. If the computer delivers enough checks so the same position arises for the third time, it's a draw. Computers typically don't cheat, unless the program is bugged
The 50 move rule is something else. If no piece was taken for 50 moves and no pawn moved, the game is a draw. It does not matter how many other pieces are on the board. These are 50 full moves, so from black and white.
Is this lame or funny?
Hi! How are you? How do you feel about the colour purple?
I have an itchy ear, but it's all cool now. . .
Yeah it's gone.
Well I was playing chess against the computer, yeah it was okay but it beat me...pffttt... it was no match for me at kickboxing though.
Well anwhomwhisis, do you like cheese? I like chicken. Have you ever seen a chicken?
I also like colouring pencils and crayons. My favourite colours are green and blue. I do not like cheese that is blue or green though. Do you? Do you like mariah carey? Her hair is pretty just like yours.
Like why are you so obsessed with me? Do you like that song. I do.
Like whtevr GirlFriend. ooh diddly diggly potatoes, mmmmm....potatoes the ultimate snack food.
Yeah do you like 50 cent?, like he's got some sic as tats and when i'm older i'm gonna get like the one on his chest and be like 'dude why you so up by grilled cheese sandwich???' ookkkay random....
Okay so i'm gonna keep typing until we have a blackout in Town or I die of starvation or some other unfortunate event, so this letter will be like 500000000 pages long. Are you thinking that i'm a freak of the bogong moths right now? yeah, me too. Apparently they contain large amounts of protein. Good for a strong brain...
OH SCREW THIS!!! do you have any ice cream?Is this lame or funny?
it got lame after Hi!
Like whtevr GirlFriend. ooh diddly diggly potatoes, mmmmm....potatoes the ultimate snack food.
kind of killed it for me.
funny/random but stupid as wellIs this lame or funny?
None of it made sense... what do you think??
Score 1 for lame.Is this lame or funny?
It's not funny.
stop trying
didnt even make sense
it just ...
Don't eat so much cheese in the high country.
I have an itchy ear, but it's all cool now. . .
Yeah it's gone.
Well I was playing chess against the computer, yeah it was okay but it beat me...pffttt... it was no match for me at kickboxing though.
Well anwhomwhisis, do you like cheese? I like chicken. Have you ever seen a chicken?
I also like colouring pencils and crayons. My favourite colours are green and blue. I do not like cheese that is blue or green though. Do you? Do you like mariah carey? Her hair is pretty just like yours.
Like why are you so obsessed with me? Do you like that song. I do.
Like whtevr GirlFriend. ooh diddly diggly potatoes, mmmmm....potatoes the ultimate snack food.
Yeah do you like 50 cent?, like he's got some sic as tats and when i'm older i'm gonna get like the one on his chest and be like 'dude why you so up by grilled cheese sandwich???' ookkkay random....
Okay so i'm gonna keep typing until we have a blackout in Town or I die of starvation or some other unfortunate event, so this letter will be like 500000000 pages long. Are you thinking that i'm a freak of the bogong moths right now? yeah, me too. Apparently they contain large amounts of protein. Good for a strong brain...
OH SCREW THIS!!! do you have any ice cream?Is this lame or funny?
it got lame after Hi!
Like whtevr GirlFriend. ooh diddly diggly potatoes, mmmmm....potatoes the ultimate snack food.
kind of killed it for me.
funny/random but stupid as wellIs this lame or funny?
None of it made sense... what do you think??
Score 1 for lame.Is this lame or funny?
It's not funny.
stop trying
didnt even make sense
it just ...
Don't eat so much cheese in the high country.
Why is this a draw and not checkmate?
Ok I was playing Chess against a computer and right when I thought I hit Checkmate, It claimed a draw. Why is this? %26gt;=(
Link to screen attached.
http://i435.photobucket.com/albums/qq72/鈥?/a>Why is this a draw and not checkmate?
The opposing king has no move to make, which would constitute a checkmate IF the king was already put in check. However, you didn't put him in check. Your two rooks and your queen were set up for the checkmate, but you have to remember to first put the king in check.
One of the disadvantages of having too much material is that you run into situations like that. Look closely at the position. Where is the opponent going to move his king on the next move? The are no legal moves! Since the king is not in check and has no legal moves, its a draw by stalemate.Why is this a draw and not checkmate?
because you dont have him in check and he has no moves he can make. In order to have him in check one of your peices should ba able to take his peice none of yours can untill he moves but he cant move into check.
this is called a "stale-mate"...a classic rookie mistakeWhy is this a draw and not checkmate?
you cant put the opposing team in checkmate until he is already in check
Link to screen attached.
http://i435.photobucket.com/albums/qq72/鈥?/a>Why is this a draw and not checkmate?
The opposing king has no move to make, which would constitute a checkmate IF the king was already put in check. However, you didn't put him in check. Your two rooks and your queen were set up for the checkmate, but you have to remember to first put the king in check.
One of the disadvantages of having too much material is that you run into situations like that. Look closely at the position. Where is the opponent going to move his king on the next move? The are no legal moves! Since the king is not in check and has no legal moves, its a draw by stalemate.Why is this a draw and not checkmate?
because you dont have him in check and he has no moves he can make. In order to have him in check one of your peices should ba able to take his peice none of yours can untill he moves but he cant move into check.
this is called a "stale-mate"...a classic rookie mistakeWhy is this a draw and not checkmate?
you cant put the opposing team in checkmate until he is already in check
How do I rebuild my motivation?
When I was a kid or teenager, I recall being very motivated. Now, in my 30s, I find my motivation pretty much up and died. By motivation, I mean my drive to achieve and get out into the world. Now, it's like I couldn't care less if the world obliterated itself. I know I shouldn't feel so apathetic, but I just do. I tried counseling a number of times, but it never makes any difference and just seems to add to my apathy because they always end up saying I'm "ok," but I suspect it's because either there are limits to my insurance coverage or because they just don't know what to say. In the end, I feel more apathetic than when I went in, but annoyed that I wasted time on it that I could have spent watching TV, mindlessly surfing the internet, or playing chess against my computer.
I need to exercise, which I've blown off for years now, but the thing that's signaling a problem lately is that I stopped caring about eating right and haven't gone to the grocery store to buy fruits or vegetables like I used to do. It's like a part of me died, but I'm not unhappy, but doing stupid stuff like eating a box of mac %26amp; cheese for dinner and just sitting around watching TV and movies. Hulu and internet TV didn't help. I've spent entire days watching TV...
Some people think I should find religion and be "born again." I've tapped religion out. I've done a ridiculous amount of reading (not verse memorization, that's for people that are convinced) of the Bible, the Koran, the Tao de Ching, etc, etc. It doesn't do anything for me. Yeah, I've prayed on it and the answer was quite clear: all religions are wrong - the instant a religion is formed, it commits apostasy.
I look at clubs and other things I might do, but it seems like everyone my age is married and busy raising kids. I never got lucky that way, I guess and now I'm a complete outsider. I feel no sense of belonging and less and less desire to belong. Not only do I feel alienated from others, but more alienated from myself.How do I rebuild my motivation?
So, excersize, and your body releases endophines in your brain that make you happy. It is called saratonin. Buying fruits and vegetables and eating them is very good, and also adds to your well being, for your body as a whole.
You sound a little depressed, but you don't need meds for that, you just need to let loose, regain a second wind, and start getting out there and doing something you feel good about, because life is short, and you weren't givin this life to waste. It is for you to learn.
I am sorry, and don't mean to sound mean, but by the things you wrote, it sounds kinda like you have become a little lazy, and in exchange, you have become dull, and a part of you really wants to get back out and experience life before it is over. I suggest that your body is sending you a message.
I think the alienation part is, a way to hide from the things that you have not yet been givin. You may find the love of your life at any age, but not if you refuse to keep a positive attitude. You will only find, that you have been responsible for the things you don't have yet. You are alienating yourself. do you really think your friends wake up every morning and say to themselves, " Wow! That so and so is a real loser, because they aren't married."? Heck no, they love you for you, and you need to quit feeling bad because life hasn't dealt you any aces or deuces. You need to work hard to obtain and keep the things that are important to you, they will not usually fall in your lap.
Also you mentioned religion. I do not like how many religions say that you cannot worship any other god. Well I have found that in my personal belief it is best for myself to be christian nostic. That means it is ok to just be spiritual and not go to church, but still believe in god.
Also it means that you can respect any religion's god , as long as you recognize that there are higher powers out there, and any god, is god.
I appologize for the god lecture...but it just makes sense that when you have no faith in good things, your life will feel devoid of meaning. That is what hope is.How do I rebuild my motivation?
first, tell me where i can get motivation to read you LONG post ?????How do I rebuild my motivation?
Look into yoga. I implore you to try it. Buy a little mat and do it outdoors even.
Do you do anything creative? Like art, or writing, playing an instrument or maybe even filming. Find something you can do that's constructive.
It's easy to become apathetic in this lifestyle. My remedy is that we are all called to transcendence. That is our purpose. How you do it is up to you. Find that eternal bliss. Travel the world if you have money. See ancient ruins in Mexico. Or the Roman city. Or even Japan. Spice things up a lot.
I don't really suggest finding and searching for girls. That wastes time. Rather, go about your business and your hobbies and your life and see who pops up before you. You never know what's going to happen.
You can force it %26amp; pretend to be motivated or you can actually face all the funk %26amp; junk inside of you honestly ... meaning feel all your emotions inside of you .. ALL OF THEM !! You are stuck based on how you feel about you !! Everyone has damage. You must face it all. The rewards are beyond measure.
here is the wisest teacher I have found on this topicon YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=鈥?/a>
Click on Play all videos %26amp; they will play in order
I need to exercise, which I've blown off for years now, but the thing that's signaling a problem lately is that I stopped caring about eating right and haven't gone to the grocery store to buy fruits or vegetables like I used to do. It's like a part of me died, but I'm not unhappy, but doing stupid stuff like eating a box of mac %26amp; cheese for dinner and just sitting around watching TV and movies. Hulu and internet TV didn't help. I've spent entire days watching TV...
Some people think I should find religion and be "born again." I've tapped religion out. I've done a ridiculous amount of reading (not verse memorization, that's for people that are convinced) of the Bible, the Koran, the Tao de Ching, etc, etc. It doesn't do anything for me. Yeah, I've prayed on it and the answer was quite clear: all religions are wrong - the instant a religion is formed, it commits apostasy.
I look at clubs and other things I might do, but it seems like everyone my age is married and busy raising kids. I never got lucky that way, I guess and now I'm a complete outsider. I feel no sense of belonging and less and less desire to belong. Not only do I feel alienated from others, but more alienated from myself.How do I rebuild my motivation?
So, excersize, and your body releases endophines in your brain that make you happy. It is called saratonin. Buying fruits and vegetables and eating them is very good, and also adds to your well being, for your body as a whole.
You sound a little depressed, but you don't need meds for that, you just need to let loose, regain a second wind, and start getting out there and doing something you feel good about, because life is short, and you weren't givin this life to waste. It is for you to learn.
I am sorry, and don't mean to sound mean, but by the things you wrote, it sounds kinda like you have become a little lazy, and in exchange, you have become dull, and a part of you really wants to get back out and experience life before it is over. I suggest that your body is sending you a message.
I think the alienation part is, a way to hide from the things that you have not yet been givin. You may find the love of your life at any age, but not if you refuse to keep a positive attitude. You will only find, that you have been responsible for the things you don't have yet. You are alienating yourself. do you really think your friends wake up every morning and say to themselves, " Wow! That so and so is a real loser, because they aren't married."? Heck no, they love you for you, and you need to quit feeling bad because life hasn't dealt you any aces or deuces. You need to work hard to obtain and keep the things that are important to you, they will not usually fall in your lap.
Also you mentioned religion. I do not like how many religions say that you cannot worship any other god. Well I have found that in my personal belief it is best for myself to be christian nostic. That means it is ok to just be spiritual and not go to church, but still believe in god.
Also it means that you can respect any religion's god , as long as you recognize that there are higher powers out there, and any god, is god.
I appologize for the god lecture...but it just makes sense that when you have no faith in good things, your life will feel devoid of meaning. That is what hope is.How do I rebuild my motivation?
first, tell me where i can get motivation to read you LONG post ?????How do I rebuild my motivation?
Look into yoga. I implore you to try it. Buy a little mat and do it outdoors even.
Do you do anything creative? Like art, or writing, playing an instrument or maybe even filming. Find something you can do that's constructive.
It's easy to become apathetic in this lifestyle. My remedy is that we are all called to transcendence. That is our purpose. How you do it is up to you. Find that eternal bliss. Travel the world if you have money. See ancient ruins in Mexico. Or the Roman city. Or even Japan. Spice things up a lot.
I don't really suggest finding and searching for girls. That wastes time. Rather, go about your business and your hobbies and your life and see who pops up before you. You never know what's going to happen.
You can force it %26amp; pretend to be motivated or you can actually face all the funk %26amp; junk inside of you honestly ... meaning feel all your emotions inside of you .. ALL OF THEM !! You are stuck based on how you feel about you !! Everyone has damage. You must face it all. The rewards are beyond measure.
here is the wisest teacher I have found on this topicon YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=鈥?/a>
Click on Play all videos %26amp; they will play in order
Trying to improve my chess game, any advice?
I got Chessmaster: Grandmaster edition, play chess online and with friends in real life. I'm not really spectacular yet. Last night I played against someone rated 1360ish on yahoo, lost 2 games and won 1. Against chessmaster, I usually will win half my games against a computer rated at 1000-1050. It just seems like even though I'm putting a lot of time into it, I'm only getting better marginally, given I've only put in about two weeks are actual "training", but I've played casually since about 13. I've also noticed that I play white too much. My goal is eventually to be able to beat any casual chess player without much difficulty, as well as enjoying chess since its fun :P. Anyway, any advice would be appreciated, thx.Trying to improve my chess game, any advice?
Hey, That is awesome. I remember when I was Exactly where you are right now. Right now I'm playing chess master10th edition, and I usually play against the 2300-2500 Guys on there with a decent win/loss score.
There is so much to know. I think right now you are better off studying more than you play.and then slowly shifting to playing more than you study. Because right now you don't know anything, and you won't have any knowledge to execute on the board. You need to educate yourself chess wise before you can achieve anything out there.
---Just send me an E-mail on here through my chessmasterd2@yahoo.com e-mail if you want me to assist you.
join the uscf and play in rated tournaments, their website is www.uschess.orgTrying to improve my chess game, any advice?
Take lessons from a real Master with a Title:
It's the best way how to learn to play Chess well.
playing is the best way to study be sure to play tons of gamesTrying to improve my chess game, any advice?
Make better moves.:)
and the sites in this search
I'd also recommend this
http://www.geocities.jp/bobbby_a/book/B_鈥?/a>cb radio flight simulator games
Hey, That is awesome. I remember when I was Exactly where you are right now. Right now I'm playing chess master10th edition, and I usually play against the 2300-2500 Guys on there with a decent win/loss score.
There is so much to know. I think right now you are better off studying more than you play.and then slowly shifting to playing more than you study. Because right now you don't know anything, and you won't have any knowledge to execute on the board. You need to educate yourself chess wise before you can achieve anything out there.
---Just send me an E-mail on here through my chessmasterd2@yahoo.com e-mail if you want me to assist you.
join the uscf and play in rated tournaments, their website is www.uschess.orgTrying to improve my chess game, any advice?
Take lessons from a real Master with a Title:
It's the best way how to learn to play Chess well.
playing is the best way to study be sure to play tons of gamesTrying to improve my chess game, any advice?
Make better moves.:)
and the sites in this search
I'd also recommend this
Free chess software download?
does anybody know of a free downloadable chess game that lets me play against the computer on varying levels of difficulty?
ThanksFree chess software download?
Arena Chess GUI
Stockfish 1.91 UCI chess engine
That will give you one of the best chess engines in the world. Second only to commercial Rybka 4Free chess software download?
Check this link out....
ThanksFree chess software download?
Arena Chess GUI
Stockfish 1.91 UCI chess engine
That will give you one of the best chess engines in the world. Second only to commercial Rybka 4Free chess software download?
Check this link out....
What is the state of the art in Poker A.I. programming?
I know that a lot of people fear, and have feared "bots" in online poker for a long time. Personally, though I'm not sure whether I've played against bots, I certainly don't find them to be a problem so far. They haven't made the games too tough to beat, and the toughest players I've run into have definitely been human (some of the professional site sponsors for example).
Now, recently I downloaded a poker computer game to try it out: Poker Superstars III. I've never played such a game against computer opponents. The biggest problem with this game is that the opponents are terrible. They're rather bad at NL tourney format with high blinds, but that is their best game (suited to playing super loose and aggressive). When it comes to the Limit cash game, they're completely hopeless, worse than novices who learned the game yesterday.
It made me wonder. Are there any computer poker simulations which are capable of even barely competent play? Limit poker should be the easiest game to teach a computer. But how good is the best?
If we can teach a computer to play Chess at a Grandmaster level, shouldn't it be possible to teach it to play poker at the level of a competent amateur of three months playing experience?
What do you know about Computer Artificial Intelligence as applied to Poker?What is the state of the art in Poker A.I. programming?
trouble with AI programming for poker is that there is still an element of luck, where as Chess has all the moves pre-defined. A computer can extrapolate thousands of moves in advance and find the perfect move in chess because everything on the board is known there are no uncounted variables. In poker that's all there is, unknown variables. Humans think far better in abstract ways than a computer so we have a serious edge in those kinds of games. There are programs out there that can give an average player a hard time but nothing that a good or even an above average player can't beat routinely.What is the state of the art in Poker A.I. programming?
Actually you can, I created one called Entropy. www.entropy-poker-ai.com - Play it online for free and see for yourself!
Now, recently I downloaded a poker computer game to try it out: Poker Superstars III. I've never played such a game against computer opponents. The biggest problem with this game is that the opponents are terrible. They're rather bad at NL tourney format with high blinds, but that is their best game (suited to playing super loose and aggressive). When it comes to the Limit cash game, they're completely hopeless, worse than novices who learned the game yesterday.
It made me wonder. Are there any computer poker simulations which are capable of even barely competent play? Limit poker should be the easiest game to teach a computer. But how good is the best?
If we can teach a computer to play Chess at a Grandmaster level, shouldn't it be possible to teach it to play poker at the level of a competent amateur of three months playing experience?
What do you know about Computer Artificial Intelligence as applied to Poker?What is the state of the art in Poker A.I. programming?
trouble with AI programming for poker is that there is still an element of luck, where as Chess has all the moves pre-defined. A computer can extrapolate thousands of moves in advance and find the perfect move in chess because everything on the board is known there are no uncounted variables. In poker that's all there is, unknown variables. Humans think far better in abstract ways than a computer so we have a serious edge in those kinds of games. There are programs out there that can give an average player a hard time but nothing that a good or even an above average player can't beat routinely.What is the state of the art in Poker A.I. programming?
Actually you can, I created one called Entropy. www.entropy-poker-ai.com - Play it online for free and see for yourself!
Report Abuse
Looking for a chess game to download for free?
I have found a bunch on the internet, but those are all against other people.
basically im looking for one where you just play against the computer
thank youLooking for a chess game to download for free?
Well, look for Chess Titans, It came installed on my computer, and it's perfect.Looking for a chess game to download for free?
Hi, I think the following two videos can be good answers. May this help u.
This is 3D chess game:
This is for general game:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bceAB658P鈥?/a>Looking for a chess game to download for free?
Try the Apple App. Store. They have several free versions.
basically im looking for one where you just play against the computer
thank youLooking for a chess game to download for free?
Well, look for Chess Titans, It came installed on my computer, and it's perfect.Looking for a chess game to download for free?
Hi, I think the following two videos can be good answers. May this help u.
This is 3D chess game:
This is for general game:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bceAB658P鈥?/a>Looking for a chess game to download for free?
Try the Apple App. Store. They have several free versions.
Free chess software on the web?
I'm looking for some free chess software so i can play against the computer at a really really really advanced level, the harder the betterFree chess software on the web?
what is cheese software, i never heard of it, sorry i know its you who should be asking the question.
got to yahoo games and go on chess and find the robot and u can chose the lvl u can go on
(::):):):):):):)Free chess software on the web?
There aren't many Free chess softwares available, however, there are a few. You can try Chessbase Light which includes Fritz 4 and the engine is quite moderate. You can try playing robots at free chess servers like yahoo. You can search for free chess downloads on the web but I doubt you will find any, so try download.com which has lots of free softwares, however, beware of viruses and other threats.
You could try free chess servers where you play ppl but I doubt that is what you want.
(another completely free chess program, the graphics may suck, but it plays good all the same. )
(This is probably the best free chess program so far I've mentioned on the internet)
(also quite a nice site...)
(Game Summary:
Master the world鈥檚 most popular game and discover the Chessmaster in you! Based on the award-winning Chessmaster series, with over 5 million copies sold, Chessmaster Challenge is your teacher, mentor, and ultimate opponent.
Whether you are learning chess, improving your strategy, or competing against world-class chess players like Josh Waitzkin, this game will make you a better player while offering hours of mind-twisting fun. Get ready to battle the Chessmaster himself!
It is completely free I think and you can check out the site!)
go to www.download.com and search for chess, it is one of the first 10 results.
Make sure it is winboard-compatible.Free chess software on the web?
that one has real people on it 24-7
and this one will let u download chess
ok first its chess not cheese its a board game and to the main question
and a vbit of extra info
What is GameKnot exactly? An online chess community where you can play chess even if you only have 10 minutes per day to spare. Playing chess, you are guaranteed a good exercise for your brain and enjoyable time too! No additional software to download, free registration, online chess at its best. You choose when to move and how often to move, and you don't have to finish your games in one sitting -- they'll be waiting for you the next day. If you prefer serious competitive chess, you can ponder about your next move the whole day, or when you have a spare minute, or even when stuck in traffic. You can also play at work, while doing other things or whenever you get bored! If you prefer fast real-time chess games, try our Blitz Chess. We offer several ways to compete and win: chess league, bi-monthly tournaments, mini-tournaments, teams and more! We also have a very helpful online chess games database and educational annotated games.
what is cheese software, i never heard of it, sorry i know its you who should be asking the question.
got to yahoo games and go on chess and find the robot and u can chose the lvl u can go on
(::):):):):):):)Free chess software on the web?
There aren't many Free chess softwares available, however, there are a few. You can try Chessbase Light which includes Fritz 4 and the engine is quite moderate. You can try playing robots at free chess servers like yahoo. You can search for free chess downloads on the web but I doubt you will find any, so try download.com which has lots of free softwares, however, beware of viruses and other threats.
You could try free chess servers where you play ppl but I doubt that is what you want.
(another completely free chess program, the graphics may suck, but it plays good all the same. )
(This is probably the best free chess program so far I've mentioned on the internet)
(also quite a nice site...)
(Game Summary:
Master the world鈥檚 most popular game and discover the Chessmaster in you! Based on the award-winning Chessmaster series, with over 5 million copies sold, Chessmaster Challenge is your teacher, mentor, and ultimate opponent.
Whether you are learning chess, improving your strategy, or competing against world-class chess players like Josh Waitzkin, this game will make you a better player while offering hours of mind-twisting fun. Get ready to battle the Chessmaster himself!
It is completely free I think and you can check out the site!)
go to www.download.com and search for chess, it is one of the first 10 results.
Make sure it is winboard-compatible.Free chess software on the web?
that one has real people on it 24-7
and this one will let u download chess
ok first its chess not cheese its a board game and to the main question
and a vbit of extra info
What is GameKnot exactly? An online chess community where you can play chess even if you only have 10 minutes per day to spare. Playing chess, you are guaranteed a good exercise for your brain and enjoyable time too! No additional software to download, free registration, online chess at its best. You choose when to move and how often to move, and you don't have to finish your games in one sitting -- they'll be waiting for you the next day. If you prefer serious competitive chess, you can ponder about your next move the whole day, or when you have a spare minute, or even when stuck in traffic. You can also play at work, while doing other things or whenever you get bored! If you prefer fast real-time chess games, try our Blitz Chess. We offer several ways to compete and win: chess league, bi-monthly tournaments, mini-tournaments, teams and more! We also have a very helpful online chess games database and educational annotated games.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
How do I get better at Chess?
I am studying Bobby Fischer. Does playing against the computer help? the majority of the time i spend on youtube watching games. Help!How do I get better at Chess?
Solve tactics problems and all kinds of checkmates in mass quantities again and again until you can see them in your sleep.How do I get better at Chess?
Practise is the best way to get better. Learning new strategies and trying to see moves further and further ahead.How do I get better at Chess?
Attacking is the best way of defense.
well the only way that i know is studying, studying and studying...thats is the only that can help you...good lookcampers mr tire
Solve tactics problems and all kinds of checkmates in mass quantities again and again until you can see them in your sleep.How do I get better at Chess?
Practise is the best way to get better. Learning new strategies and trying to see moves further and further ahead.How do I get better at Chess?
Attacking is the best way of defense.
well the only way that i know is studying, studying and studying...thats is the only that can help you...good look
Where can you play chess online for free??
No downloads, totally free? And against the computer OR someone else?
And if you know, is there a way to download chess so it's under "games" when you click the "start" button?Where can you play chess online for free??
just go on google and type that question and links will apear
pogo.comWhere can you play chess online for free??
try aol.com and yahoo.com...you can play against people but you need fast internet connetcion
http://kids.yahoo.com/Where can you play chess online for free??
You could go to yahoo games and click on chess
shockwave.com or go to your screen saver and click start go to programs look for games when youve found it click on it the click internet chess
Try www.addictinggames.com
And if you know, is there a way to download chess so it's under "games" when you click the "start" button?Where can you play chess online for free??
just go on google and type that question and links will apear
pogo.comWhere can you play chess online for free??
try aol.com and yahoo.com...you can play against people but you need fast internet connetcion
http://kids.yahoo.com/Where can you play chess online for free??
You could go to yahoo games and click on chess
shockwave.com or go to your screen saver and click start go to programs look for games when youve found it click on it the click internet chess
Try www.addictinggames.com
How do you win chess?
Out of about 30 rated games on Pogo, I've won one because my opponent lost internet connection. And that's just the rated game! That doesn't include non-rated and playing against computers. How can I get good at this game? Experience? Books? Replaying old games based on dictation? I've known how to play for years, I've just never been good at this game at all.How do you win chess?
You learn the game and all its quirks until you know it better than anyone else and then you are the winner.
This question and "best answer" show the glaring flaw of Yahoo questions. The "best answer" was selected by the asker, who obviously knows nothing about chess.
All of the answers that suggested getting a coach would have been better candidates for best answer.
You can only get good by learning how to plan and play the right way and there are many ways you can do that hire a professional coach and take lessons, watch DVDS, take lessons from a coach on your webcam, learn from books like Lasker's Manual, learn from Chess Mentor. To get better you have to practice and practice and practice some more against people who can play better than you and can give you a real game its like boxing if you spar with weak guys all the time you won't learn what to do when you get in the ring with someone who hits you back and comes after you all night long without missing a beat.
You can practice and practice.
I learned chess by watching others' moves, comtemplating what they'll try to move next. This might seem difficult, yes, but think of ways to move your pieces well in coordination.
One strategy:
Try to keep control of the middle four squares
Horse-go for queen-king doubles, or other doubles
rooks: good for checkmates along with another rook or queen
if black has1 king one pawn white has one queen and rook or 2 rooks black WILL lose
Another: put pawn diagonal of rook one forward then block with bishop that open space.
You can rad manuals, watch videos and think of new strategies. Yes I am a korean, and many other koreans practice other board games like Baduk(go) and checkers these can help
Hope this helped^^How do you win chess?
well, you can take private lesson, you can try thinking longer
you should read books about certain positions like endgames, to get the feel for the endgame
also, you can memorize lots of oppenings and responses to your opponent's responses
you can watch games played by good players or you can get chessmasters: grandmaster's edition and learn in the games where josh waitzkin explains everything.
you should also play a bit easier opponents such as people you can beat with some difficulty like a 35-70% wins
too many losses can be bad and if your playing against someone too much better than you, you won't learn much...
The best answer I can give is this: Join your local chess club. Trust me, unless your house is surrounded by a corn field, there is not too far away. You can books if you want, but you risk it not being appropriate for your level. You can hire a tutor, which is expensive. But if there is a tutor in your area, he probably runs the local chess club, and would end up giving you some coaching there for free. Nothing beats live coaching.
If you can't or won't do that, sign up at chess.com and play some correspondence games with a greeter. You only have to play 1 move every 3-14 days, so you can take all the time you need, and you can send questions via chat. Also, chessmaster 10 is super cheap used on amazon. It has lots and lots of opponents of different levels. You can pick one and keep at it to you can beat them regularly, and then move up a bit. And it will give analysis in plain english, it has built in lessons, lots of good stuff
The best way to improve quickly is to join a local chess club. It is usually very inexpensive (sometimes only a couple of dollars per month). You will find a lot of people willing to help you and analyze your games. You may even find someone to give you some personal lessons and training. If you cannot find a club or someone to coach you, the next best thing to do is study some books and keep playing. If you cannot afford to buy a book, there are plenty at your local library for free. Find a book that discusses opening principles and you can build from there. Once you learn the opening principles and some basic mating patterns, you should work on middle and endgame strategy. You can find free lectures every hour at Free Internet Chess Server (FICS).
I suggest learning general principles first and understand the reason for them. It will take you much further than just memorizing opening lines and not really understanding the theory behind the moves. Sooner or later your opponent will not make the book moves you've memorized and you will be lost. Try some openings that appeal to you for both black and white. Once you find a couple you like, stick with them for a while. Play lots of games with them and learn the subtle nuances. It's not realistic to try and go out and learn all the openings.
If you just want to play on your own for free you can play on either Yahoo! chess or Free Internet Chess Server (FICS). There are plenty of people to play at all levels. The best thing to do to improve your play is to save your games and study them. You can email the history of your games to yourself on Yahoo! and have someone analyze them and go over them with you. At FICS you can request your games be analyzed by higher rated players on the site itself.
For some free individualized training, you can go to: http://www.chess.com/. You can study Chess Openings, solve daily puzzles and watch videos from top players.
To specifically improve upon your tactics in chess I recommend going to: http://chesstempo.com/. It is free and you can solve puzzles at your own pace. It will keep track of your skill level and slowly increase the difficulty as you get better.
The main thing is to have FUN! It's not about winning or losing, but discovering the art of chess. It's an amazing game with seemingly endless possibilities.
Good luck and get to that next level!
Chess teacher and coach for juniors
knowing the rules isn't enough...
...you have to know WHY certain things happen %26amp; WHY things work (and why things DON'T work)
author : irving chernev
title : winning chess, how to see three moves ahead
it's an old book %26amp; out-of-print
join the U.S.C.F. %26amp; get a digital chess clock
You learn the game and all its quirks until you know it better than anyone else and then you are the winner.
This question and "best answer" show the glaring flaw of Yahoo questions. The "best answer" was selected by the asker, who obviously knows nothing about chess.
All of the answers that suggested getting a coach would have been better candidates for best answer.
Report Abuse
How do you win chess?You can only get good by learning how to plan and play the right way and there are many ways you can do that hire a professional coach and take lessons, watch DVDS, take lessons from a coach on your webcam, learn from books like Lasker's Manual, learn from Chess Mentor. To get better you have to practice and practice and practice some more against people who can play better than you and can give you a real game its like boxing if you spar with weak guys all the time you won't learn what to do when you get in the ring with someone who hits you back and comes after you all night long without missing a beat.
You can practice and practice.
I learned chess by watching others' moves, comtemplating what they'll try to move next. This might seem difficult, yes, but think of ways to move your pieces well in coordination.
One strategy:
Try to keep control of the middle four squares
Horse-go for queen-king doubles, or other doubles
rooks: good for checkmates along with another rook or queen
if black has1 king one pawn white has one queen and rook or 2 rooks black WILL lose
Another: put pawn diagonal of rook one forward then block with bishop that open space.
You can rad manuals, watch videos and think of new strategies. Yes I am a korean, and many other koreans practice other board games like Baduk(go) and checkers these can help
Hope this helped^^How do you win chess?
well, you can take private lesson, you can try thinking longer
you should read books about certain positions like endgames, to get the feel for the endgame
also, you can memorize lots of oppenings and responses to your opponent's responses
you can watch games played by good players or you can get chessmasters: grandmaster's edition and learn in the games where josh waitzkin explains everything.
you should also play a bit easier opponents such as people you can beat with some difficulty like a 35-70% wins
too many losses can be bad and if your playing against someone too much better than you, you won't learn much...
The best answer I can give is this: Join your local chess club. Trust me, unless your house is surrounded by a corn field, there is not too far away. You can books if you want, but you risk it not being appropriate for your level. You can hire a tutor, which is expensive. But if there is a tutor in your area, he probably runs the local chess club, and would end up giving you some coaching there for free. Nothing beats live coaching.
If you can't or won't do that, sign up at chess.com and play some correspondence games with a greeter. You only have to play 1 move every 3-14 days, so you can take all the time you need, and you can send questions via chat. Also, chessmaster 10 is super cheap used on amazon. It has lots and lots of opponents of different levels. You can pick one and keep at it to you can beat them regularly, and then move up a bit. And it will give analysis in plain english, it has built in lessons, lots of good stuff
The best way to improve quickly is to join a local chess club. It is usually very inexpensive (sometimes only a couple of dollars per month). You will find a lot of people willing to help you and analyze your games. You may even find someone to give you some personal lessons and training. If you cannot find a club or someone to coach you, the next best thing to do is study some books and keep playing. If you cannot afford to buy a book, there are plenty at your local library for free. Find a book that discusses opening principles and you can build from there. Once you learn the opening principles and some basic mating patterns, you should work on middle and endgame strategy. You can find free lectures every hour at Free Internet Chess Server (FICS).
I suggest learning general principles first and understand the reason for them. It will take you much further than just memorizing opening lines and not really understanding the theory behind the moves. Sooner or later your opponent will not make the book moves you've memorized and you will be lost. Try some openings that appeal to you for both black and white. Once you find a couple you like, stick with them for a while. Play lots of games with them and learn the subtle nuances. It's not realistic to try and go out and learn all the openings.
If you just want to play on your own for free you can play on either Yahoo! chess or Free Internet Chess Server (FICS). There are plenty of people to play at all levels. The best thing to do to improve your play is to save your games and study them. You can email the history of your games to yourself on Yahoo! and have someone analyze them and go over them with you. At FICS you can request your games be analyzed by higher rated players on the site itself.
For some free individualized training, you can go to: http://www.chess.com/. You can study Chess Openings, solve daily puzzles and watch videos from top players.
To specifically improve upon your tactics in chess I recommend going to: http://chesstempo.com/. It is free and you can solve puzzles at your own pace. It will keep track of your skill level and slowly increase the difficulty as you get better.
The main thing is to have FUN! It's not about winning or losing, but discovering the art of chess. It's an amazing game with seemingly endless possibilities.
Good luck and get to that next level!
Chess teacher and coach for juniors
knowing the rules isn't enough...
...you have to know WHY certain things happen %26amp; WHY things work (and why things DON'T work)
author : irving chernev
title : winning chess, how to see three moves ahead
it's an old book %26amp; out-of-print
join the U.S.C.F. %26amp; get a digital chess clock
Can someone get me over my fear of "losing"?
When I play chess, I can play perfectly against a computer, and perfectly in real life infront of someone with a chess board between us. When I play online against someone, no matter how bad they're rated, I can never seem to beat them. I believe its more psychological than skill-based, because people who are rated 800 I can beat because I beat computers and people with 1200 ratings. Is there any tips you can suggest to get me over this?Can someone get me over my fear of "losing"?
Just know that. When you lose. You'll know why you lost. And you learned something new in experience. Losing is just as good as winning. Because you'll always learn something. And you'll do better next time "If at first you don't succeed, dust yourself off and try again." Song by Aaliyah.
Just learn from your mistakes and you will know then where you are going wrong, simple asCan someone get me over my fear of "losing"?
Losing is how you start winning. How else is one to learn? I wouldn't lie because this wouldn't benefit me in anyway. Best wishes.
You should approach every opponent indifferently and without fear like Frank Marshall play your best no matter who you face if you lose you'll learn from your mistakes and only improve.Can someone get me over my fear of "losing"?
Historians, philosophers, scientist and theologians have been searching for the origins and meaning of existence since the beginning of time. Various religions have been born out of an attempt to define the indefinable. We often engage in the endless pursuit to define who, what and why we are. We measure ourselves against others and their accomplishments. We are deluged each day with media images of what is acceptable or unacceptable. There is an ongoing quest to explain the unexplainable. You are who you are and that is ever changing. You are deliciously indescribable. Each moment you are remade. Every morning when you open your eyes, you begin a new journey. The choices and decisions that you make color, and change, “who” you are. You are an indefinable, magical being. Have you forgotten this? Have you allowed the world to take away your magic? Each time you have a thought or task and give it life- you are creating! From preparing a meal for your family, or painting a picture. Everything you do adds a different dimension to who “you” are. Life is a mystery and by accepting this fact you become one with it and more able to maneuver though it.
Think back and remember the last time you were really “in tune” with something you wanted to accomplish. Remember how easy and enjoyable it was to put together all the pieces of the puzzle to create the final outcome? You were not anxious or the least bit concerned about what other people were thinking or doing. You were one with the energy of your creation. That same dynamic is possible in all aspects of your life. By becoming one with the magical energy of who you are, you create. You can also create your own limitations by putting up walls of fear and inadequacy. Embrace your power; consider what you create each and every day. If you can put together the ingredients to make an apple pie, you can use the same recipe to create anything else you desire. Create a recipe that works for you. Be in harmony with the energy of what you want to bring into your life. If you have made several attempts with no apparent success- try another way. Add or remove something from the recipe. Be in tune with the Universal force of magic.
Where is your energy at this moment? Are you focusing on life affirming activities or caught up with what someone else is doing or not doing? Is your energy directed on how to get someone else to change or do what you want him or her to do? What is the topic of most of your conversations? Think about the last conversation you had- were you sharing hopes, dreams and ideas or were you complaining about how things are not going the way you want them to? A large percentage of our words, thoughts and energy are given to what is going on around us. By understanding that you are a powerful, magical being- you regain the power that is wasted on things you cannot control. You cannot control another person’s emotions or actions. If someone is in your life and they are causing you distress- it is because of your choice to remain part of their life. If you are not happy with the situation you are in, it is your choice. You are not your past. You are not what someone did to you or what was taken from you. The events and people in your life have served to shape “who” you are at this moment. The events of today, will further hone who you are tomorrow- and so on.
To become a truly empowered being, you have to reach down into the magical place inside of you and utilize your own power. It is not important as to what your spiritual or theological beliefs are. What is important is that you understand the fact that you are a creator. What do you want to create? Peace, harmony and joy or chaos and drama? Are you always feeling angry and frustrated? Being angry or frustrated is only beneficial if it serves to steer you another direction. Conflict can be an incredible catalyst for change if you use the energy to move. Choose to take a different path or look at things from a different perspective. It does not matter how you do it, the important thing is that you get into a place that you want to be.
You are who you are and that is “magical”. Do not allow anything to diminish and cage your personal power. Allowing your inner self to grow and blossom is a process. Magic happens when you leap into mystery and become that which you desire to be. Like attracts like- to manifest magic, you must be magic. Just as you cannot adequately define the mystery of life, do not attempt to define “you”. Embrace the undiscovered parts of who you are. Set out on a course to reveal the mystery that dwells within you. If you must define yourself, you are magic.
Just know that. When you lose. You'll know why you lost. And you learned something new in experience. Losing is just as good as winning. Because you'll always learn something. And you'll do better next time "If at first you don't succeed, dust yourself off and try again." Song by Aaliyah.
Just learn from your mistakes and you will know then where you are going wrong, simple asCan someone get me over my fear of "losing"?
Losing is how you start winning. How else is one to learn? I wouldn't lie because this wouldn't benefit me in anyway. Best wishes.
You should approach every opponent indifferently and without fear like Frank Marshall play your best no matter who you face if you lose you'll learn from your mistakes and only improve.Can someone get me over my fear of "losing"?
Historians, philosophers, scientist and theologians have been searching for the origins and meaning of existence since the beginning of time. Various religions have been born out of an attempt to define the indefinable. We often engage in the endless pursuit to define who, what and why we are. We measure ourselves against others and their accomplishments. We are deluged each day with media images of what is acceptable or unacceptable. There is an ongoing quest to explain the unexplainable. You are who you are and that is ever changing. You are deliciously indescribable. Each moment you are remade. Every morning when you open your eyes, you begin a new journey. The choices and decisions that you make color, and change, “who” you are. You are an indefinable, magical being. Have you forgotten this? Have you allowed the world to take away your magic? Each time you have a thought or task and give it life- you are creating! From preparing a meal for your family, or painting a picture. Everything you do adds a different dimension to who “you” are. Life is a mystery and by accepting this fact you become one with it and more able to maneuver though it.
Think back and remember the last time you were really “in tune” with something you wanted to accomplish. Remember how easy and enjoyable it was to put together all the pieces of the puzzle to create the final outcome? You were not anxious or the least bit concerned about what other people were thinking or doing. You were one with the energy of your creation. That same dynamic is possible in all aspects of your life. By becoming one with the magical energy of who you are, you create. You can also create your own limitations by putting up walls of fear and inadequacy. Embrace your power; consider what you create each and every day. If you can put together the ingredients to make an apple pie, you can use the same recipe to create anything else you desire. Create a recipe that works for you. Be in harmony with the energy of what you want to bring into your life. If you have made several attempts with no apparent success- try another way. Add or remove something from the recipe. Be in tune with the Universal force of magic.
Where is your energy at this moment? Are you focusing on life affirming activities or caught up with what someone else is doing or not doing? Is your energy directed on how to get someone else to change or do what you want him or her to do? What is the topic of most of your conversations? Think about the last conversation you had- were you sharing hopes, dreams and ideas or were you complaining about how things are not going the way you want them to? A large percentage of our words, thoughts and energy are given to what is going on around us. By understanding that you are a powerful, magical being- you regain the power that is wasted on things you cannot control. You cannot control another person’s emotions or actions. If someone is in your life and they are causing you distress- it is because of your choice to remain part of their life. If you are not happy with the situation you are in, it is your choice. You are not your past. You are not what someone did to you or what was taken from you. The events and people in your life have served to shape “who” you are at this moment. The events of today, will further hone who you are tomorrow- and so on.
To become a truly empowered being, you have to reach down into the magical place inside of you and utilize your own power. It is not important as to what your spiritual or theological beliefs are. What is important is that you understand the fact that you are a creator. What do you want to create? Peace, harmony and joy or chaos and drama? Are you always feeling angry and frustrated? Being angry or frustrated is only beneficial if it serves to steer you another direction. Conflict can be an incredible catalyst for change if you use the energy to move. Choose to take a different path or look at things from a different perspective. It does not matter how you do it, the important thing is that you get into a place that you want to be.
You are who you are and that is “magical”. Do not allow anything to diminish and cage your personal power. Allowing your inner self to grow and blossom is a process. Magic happens when you leap into mystery and become that which you desire to be. Like attracts like- to manifest magic, you must be magic. Just as you cannot adequately define the mystery of life, do not attempt to define “you”. Embrace the undiscovered parts of who you are. Set out on a course to reveal the mystery that dwells within you. If you must define yourself, you are magic.
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